Okay, so, I think I'm gonna drop Kalama. After some thought I'm not really happy with how he turned out and I'm not sure how to fix it. He was also part of what was keeping me from posting when I said I would. I don't know if I'll put another character in the spot he was in but I'm toying with a Rito since we never seemed to have one show up, and I may also take the opportunity to put in a character with no magical ability since I've only ever played magic users up to this point. On the other hand, I may just focus on Aadab; I'm pretty satisfied with how she ended up playing out and enjoyed writing for her a lot more. EDIT: Finally managed to get my foot back into the door there. Enjoy. I think I'll give this Rito I have ideas for a shot, I'm taking a break from BotW tomorrow so I don't end up burned out.