[URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K78DtQ-GyVI][COLOR=DARKCYAN][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]J O S E P H T H O R E A U:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup][color=silver]Friday, April 07, 2017 - 9:53 PM | [i]Rhodes Lighthouse - New Alexandria[/i][/color][/sup][/INDENT][/URL] [INDENT][INDENT]Rain hammered on the windshield of the large Dodge Durango as Joseph guided it down the empty main street of New Alexandria. While he called the Pointe Bordeaux home, something had always drawn him to New Alexandria. Grimm had been among his top picks for post secondary education but unfortunately it didn’t offer the courses he needed and Joseph had been forced to settle for Slater in Larissa. Still, he had spent some time on the island while dating a girl from Grimm and something about New Alexandria called to him. [INDENT][COLOR=DARKCYAN][B][I]What was her name?[/I][/B][/COLOR][/INDENT] The name seemed to escape Joseph, shrugging he decided it was best not to dwell on it, the relationship had ended for a reason and he had moved on. The road transitioned from well maintained pavement abruptly into rough gravel as Joseph felt the vehicle’s tires sink slightly as the softened mud sank under the weight of the vehicle. Climbing the hill to the Rhodes Lighthouse, Joseph was forced to reduce speed as the soft road threatened to give way, sending both him and the Durango spiralling down into the crashing pacific as the echo of the waves slapping against eroded stone could be heard over the rain. Tire tracks were all over the road indicating that more than just the victim had been out here recently. Finally coming to a stop in front of the abandoned lighthouse, Joseph noticed a black Bentley with its rear windshield smashed. Climbing out of the large SUV, Joseph pulled out a utility flashlight as he tried to illuminate the dim area. [COLOR=DARKCYAN][B]“Paramedic!”[/B][/COLOR] He called, as he approached the car. Glass littered the backseat indicating the window had been smashed in while a ring of tire tracks surrounded the car. The driver’s side door hung open, but the occupant was gone. Walking over to the side of the car, Joseph couldn’t see any evidence of blood but the rain could have very well have washed it away. [COLOR=DARKCYAN][B]“Who even called me?”[/B][/COLOR] He muttered as he slicked back his wet hair, pulling the bangs from his eyes. [COLOR=ORANGE][B]“I did.”[/B][/COLOR] A feminine voice answered from inside the car. Shining the flashlight inside the car, Joseph looked around confused by the lack of a person. [COLOR=DARKCYAN][B]“Who’s talking?”[/b][/COLOR] He asked continuing to shine the flashlight inside the car. [COLOR=ORANGE][b]“I am.”[/b][/COLOR] A faint glow came from the car’s dashboard before suddenly the projection of an attractive young woman appeared in the passenger seat. [COLOR=ORANGE][B]“My name is Serenity, I work for Mr. Charles Michaels.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DARKCYAN][B]“Nice…”[/b][/color] Joseph took a step back. The whole situation was rather odd. [COLOR=DARKCYAN][B]“Nice to meet you Serenity. In the emergency call, you mentioned an older man who was injured, where would he be?”[/b][/color] [COLOR=ORANGE][b]“Charles is inside the lighthouse. He asked me not to call for any emergency services but that was a direct contradiction of my programming. Charles had programmed me to ensure the safety of my riders and to contact the appropriate emergency services in the event of an accident.”[/b][/COLOR] Serenity continued. Half listening to the prattling A.I., Joseph turned his flashlight towards the lighthouse. The Rhodes Lighthouse had stood on the edge of Crescent City since World War II. Disguised as a lighthouse, it had been constructed for use as a watchtower after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Following the war it fell out of use, although rumors certainly circulated the abandoned tower. When Michaels’ Industries purchased it, many assumed they would be restoring it but no action had come from the company yet. [COLOR=DARKCYAN][B]“How do I get in the lighthouse?”[/b][/color] Joseph asked, turning back towards the car. [COLOR=ROYALBLUE][B]“You don’t.”[/B][/COLOR] Came a gruff reply as Joseph turned to see a man limping towards him, leaning heavily on a cane. His features were hidden behind unkempt hair and a scraggly beard, silver with streaks of black throughout, the man pushed past Joseph before scolding the car. [COLOR=ROYALBLUE][B]“I told you not to call for the emergency services. I can take care of myself.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=ORANGE][B]“Your heart can not handle that kind of strain.”[/B][/COLOR] Came Serenity’s reply as Joseph studied the man. His knuckles were bloody, so whatever had happened had obviously resulted in some kind of alteration, and it had been messy. A blood stain took up the majority of the man’s right thigh, Joseph noted until he realized that it wasn’t a stain but a wound. [COLOR=DARKCYAN][B]“You’ve been shot.”[/B][/COLOR] Joseph exclaimed, swinging his bag around for use. [COLOR=ROYALBLUE][B]“It went clean through, it’ll be fine.”[/B][/COLOR] The older man said dismissively as he tried to close the door to the car only for Joseph to hang onto it. [COLOR=DARKCYAN][B]“I need to treat that wound Sir.”[/B][/COLOR] Joseph argued back. [COLOR=ROYALBLUE][B]“I have a legal right to decline treatment.”[/B][/COLOR] Came the other male’s response as thunder boomed overhead, lightning illuminating the dark night sky. [COLOR=DARKCYAN][B]“And you’d be an idiot to do it right now.”[/B][/COLOR] Joseph snapped right back. [COLOR=DARKCYAN][B]“Why won’t you let me help you?”[/B][/COLOR] Joseph said as he dropped his paramedic bag in frustration, the name on his jacket becoming visible to the other man for the first time. [COLOR=ROYALBLUE][B]“Thoreau?”[/B][/COLOR] The older man questioned. [COLOR=ROYALBLUE][B]“As in D.A. Silas Thoreau?”[/B][/COLOR] He asked. [COLOR=DARKCYAN][B]“The one and the same,”[/B][/COLOR] Joseph replied not bothering to hide his annoyance. [COLOR=DARKCYAN][B]“He’s my old man.”[/B][/COLOR] Faking a wince, the older man suddenly moved to get out of the car. Allowing himself to stumble to the ground without making it apparent to the younger man, looking up, he forced a sheepish expression on to his face as he addressed Joseph. [COLOR=ROYALBLUE][B]“Well Mr. Thoreau, it looks like I may have let my stubbornness get the better of me. Perhaps you should take a look at my leg.”[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT]