[center][img]http://imgur.com/CurAgYP.jpg[/img][/center] As far as Diva was concerned, the retreat was going just fine, until the impact of a bullet sent more horrible reverberations in the cabin of the van. And the next few instants were sheer terror, as Zer0's chest bloomed into a spray of red, and the girl fell into her lap. She was already screaming in panic, to the point that warm wetness beginning to soak her lap almost didn't register. It was her first encounter with the truly ugly side of this sort of clandestine work, and not something she was in the least mentally prepared for, so the panic was perhaps quite understandable. Any magical tricks she could otherwise maintain were quite forgotten. "Ohgod, ohgod..." It took quite a bit of effort to stop herself from freezing or choking up, but after a few deep breaths, Honoka had managed to at least get herself under some semblance of control. "We've got someone hurt back here." She tentatively tried to at least roll Zer0 over, before looking near-helplessly at Advent. "You're a doctor, right?" She'd probably be game to try and help, but it was all she could do not to start shaking or worse. Certainly, she was in no condition to report in beyond to announce someone was hurt. And probably start panicking again soon after, spouting too much information about getting covered in someone else's blood.