[center][img]http://imgur.com/NAoC3nS.jpg[/img][/center] [b]"God DAMN it!"[/b] Runner bellowed as the impact shook the van. [b]"End's going to be on my ass for months now! Everyone in the back alr-"[/b] He glanced back to check on the passengers before pausing as he took in the hole in Zero0's chest. Shit. This wasn't good. [b]"Diva."[/b] His voice fell steady, trying to take command of the situation and calm the hyperventilating girl down while keeping his eyes on the road. [b]"Breathe. In and out. Advent, can you stabilize her? I'll call it in."[/b] [b]"Runner here. Bad news, Zer0's down. Armor penetrating round to the chest. Advent's attempting to stabilize, but she needs immediate medical attention. Cash, can you call in a medevac?"[/b]