[center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/d027feffc85e0dbdd6bc97a71e0fe1ab/tumblr_nfvpda396A1rdk2y9o1_1280.png [/img][/center] ((Minus the horns and cloven hooves))[hr][h3][b] NAME [/b][/h3][indent]Atlas[/indent][h3][b] RACE [/b][/h3][indent]Centaur[/indent][h3][b] AGE [/b][/h3][indent]32[/indent][h3][b] CLASS [/b][/h3][indent] Bounty Hunter/Archer[/indent][h3][b] EQUIPMENT [/b][/h3][indent] - 1 Long Bow - 1 Quiver with Arrows - 1 Hunter’s Dagger - Leather Armor [/indent][h3][b] BACKSTORY [/b][/h3][indent]Atlas had a normal childhood for a young centaur. He was born to a loving mother and father with three younger siblings. They being a unit of a a much smaller herd when compared to The Great Herd, who rule the Great Plains. Ever since he was young it had been the young boy’s dream to become a defender of the herd much like his father served. As such, at a young age his father began teaching him in the art of archery to which Atlas took to immediately. The boy spending any free time he had practicing until he was near a master of the weapon. Life in a nomadic herd traveling from place to place may have been hard at times due to draughts and long winter however, it was a happy one none the less. However, just as Atlas was beginning his teenage years disaster struck. After one particular long draught a flash flood struck in the dead of the night. The raging waters causing many to be lost to the flood never to be seen again. Atlas as well was swept away by the rapids being torn from his father's grasp. By some miracle Atlas managed to survive, water logged, scared, and bruised the young centaur scrambled his way out of the wreckage and took refuge in the brush that night. When he awoke that next morning, it was clear to him that he was alone. That he was far from his family...his herd. He wasn't even sure if they were still living at that. The only thing he had left to remind him of the life he once had was his father's old long bow. From then on Atlas has been on his own. He managing to survive on his own using the skills he had been taught as a young boy. As he grew he turned to working a variety of odd jobs mainly helping farmers' in the fields or any other form of hard labor. As time went on Atlas found himself in the Free States using his hunting skills to capture game and sell at the market. However, he is also not shy of doing bounty work either. Figuring he was pretty good at hunting animals so why not people as well? [/indent]