Aadab sat on the hard stone of the ruins beneath Castle Town, legs crossed and hands intertwined just below the base of her chest, right at the point where the ribcage gave way to the abdominal cavity. The very center of her being. In this way, she meditated, allowing her spirit to regain its balance so she may recover her lost magical energy. The Sheikah, who was at an age that would be elderly for most races, had elected to remain behind, as it would be foolish to send too large a group. Three was enough, that she knew. She had remained mostly silent during the more recent moments of their journey, partially out of concern for Nayrin, but also for Link. She had sensed that his power had been locked away somehow, but thought it wise not to broach the subject. The boy was fragile, even more than usual now. Instead, she looked inward, as she had many times in her long journey to mastery of the spiritual magics she had a natural talent for, as was unusual for the typically shadowy Sheikah people. During this time, she changed out the more extravagant garb of a Sheikah Elder for a more simple outfit, a nondescript suit of traditional Sheikah stealth armor. Her concern for Link was, at this moment, greater than even before they arrived. With his power sealed, he was nearly defenseless if they were caught. She thought it unlikely but she could not avoid worrying, even though Regol, master of the shadows he was, had gone with them. For now, all she could really do was wait, and hope for the best.