Andy walked closer to everyone else. By the sound of it things had finally settled down and some explanation was given. Apparently there was a hit on them, although why anyone would want him dead was something he didn't understand. He saw one of the other passengers come out of hiding, to him she was one of the smarter ones. With the young woman aiding the other girl, who didn't seem in need of his help as far as he could tell, he decided to speak up to everyone. "Okay," he said, "play-time is over. Donny, Hierco, no more teasing each other, please. And you," he motioned to the ticking boy with the bolt aimed at his neck, "don't do anything foolish, okay?" He looked at the group, including the pavise knights. "Maybe it's time we all talk like civilized people, without any weapons raised at each other and without any more deaths. Everybody agree?"