Momentarily unmoving in the air as the harpoons approached him, a gust of wind picked up and almost instantly surrounded Itachi. With minimal effort, the harpoons were flung into the water. With a sigh, Itachi drew his Kusarigama and shot towards the tiller house as soon as he started to descend. [i][color=fff79a]These common thugs aren't worth my time.[/color][/i] The plan was relatively simple, hit the guy with the flail, then fill the room with pain. As he shot forward he started accelerating the kusarigama's flail, shooting it forward through the window as soon as he landed. Tossing a second quintuplet of storm bombs in the room and readying his Kusarigama to strike, Itachi declared [color=fff79a]"Make yourself scarce, or I'll make you a corpse."[/color] Not actually waiting for a response, Itachi detonated his storm bombs. The wooden floor splintering once more under the spontaneous pressure and filling the air with dust, the room was completely obscured, albeit for a single moment...