[center][h2]Corporal James Hunt|Down time at Fort Breda[/h2][/center] [center][@KoL][/center] James took a moment to chew up some bacon he'd taken a bite of between her answers before giving a reply of his own. "I think I can do that for ya. Also, no need to call me sir, just James or Hunt is fine. Now let me see that paperwork..." Taking it when the LC would give it to him, he would read it over as he drank some coffee and spoke quietly to himself. "Lance Corporal Eris Reinhardt...officer training, complete but no promotion. Odd...decent scoring in her weapons training...advanced engineer training, medical emphasis..." This would continue for a couple of minutes before he set the papers down. "Well, seems it's all in order. Welcome to Squad 4. We'll get you introduced to the Sarge when he's done talking with Carn then the day is yours. We're set to receive new orders tomorrow." He takes another sip of coffee before continuing. "We just got back from the Battle of Vasel, so command saw fit to give us a break."