[@spacecakes] Too close ties to the Eastern Raiders. Child of theirs don't just wander off and they don't mix with the Southern towns along their borders. The blood between the two folk are too bad. It's not so bad with the Northerners and the Easterners but still someone so visibly connected would run the risk of lynch mobs. The North folk know well the torment that the Eastern demons bring. Blights to crops, illness, and their twisted magics. They are the one sect I'm keeping people out of- unless you have a really, really good reason. And can avoid being killed by angry mobs of everyone in every town you can go to. [quote] You're not going to be a all powerful mage. You're at the beginning of time. Literally. Any magic you know is either learned experimentally, from someone else, but never from a book. The Southern folk are keeping their writings to temples and government[/quote] Elementalist... Lovely but far too wide spread for someone so young. Gifts are small things and rare things. Elemental would be a single element. For example- the Green- a connection to the earth. The trees and the forests for one who lived within such a area or a connection to rolling hills and cropland for one who lived in that style. The Blue is the water side of things. The Red is the Fire side. Though these children are often either killed by their gift if they don't get some tutelage. Fire is dangerous as much as revered. It's a fifty fifty if their taken in by temples in the South or Shamans in the North. Also, enchanting. That would be a single gift to itself. Even then it would take a extensive amount of work. Learning to make the object, so that would be specializing in smiting or fetching, ect. And then also, the making. Lots of materials, lots of time, and lots of training. Also, you mention Tomes. Tomes are extremely rare. Northern folk have no need of them, and the Southerners keep actual books to the religious higher ups and government. Most people get by with scrolls, tokens, and the such. I doubt she'd get her hands on them. And there are perhaps a handful of tomes- all within High Priests/Preistesses halls, that document known gifts. Even then their not as accurate as they could be. [quote]-Magnifying glass.[/quote] It's too early in the Age of the World for such a thing. There are some people who have some things like this, but again- few and very well kept to that person self. Also, Mage towers aren't a thing quite yet. Some mages will go to Kings and offer their services. Others seek work in city or village. Still others live in seclusion and some even hide away their power. Magic is young, budding. If you are taught it's very experimental if you can't find a teacher of the same magics. Though the Northern folk will have a advantage in this as Shamans and their Priests (more so than Southerns, because of politics) will pass down information on different powers. How they work, how they were trained. It may get jumbled a tad, but with priests and shamans constantly consulting each other it stays rather much intact. The Northern Godis, Shamans and such are very connected as if signs appear in one area such as for disease or disaster. It's courteous to pass the message on. Plus the gods are displeased if you do not. In the South it's much more bickering and arguing over this and that, so there's purposeful sabatoge. Good idea, however a tad bit advanced for the time setting. For any gamers: North= PVE South= PVP East= OP Boss Monster