Ohio had been silently admiring and judging Maine's abilities when Montana's somewhat lumbering approach caught her attention. Ohio looked away and tried to match to match armor colors to fake names for a second before taking a bit of a guess. "Hey there, Montana, right?" She nodded in his direction and paused for a second tilting her head to the side before continuing, "I don't know what you did to get stuck with the code name Montana but I'm sorry for you." She laughed softly, "At least they didn't stick anyone with Florida, could be worse." Ohio leaned on the window ledge, looking back into the training area. "I'd say they chose some pretty interesting people to spearhead this little science experiment. I mean look at Mr. Overachiever down there, practicing already. He's a damn good shot but I don't see how practicing that over and over again is going to make him better at anything else." It sounded as if she was talking mostly to herself as she continued to watch, "Think I should go down there?" she looked back at Montana, she had already made up her mind but asked for the sake of pleasantries.