Zod still hadn't gotten used to Earth by the time he had been propositioned to aid with this odd creature's pet project, he accepted in exchange for the chance to meet this Superman who he'd heard so much about, he barely knew what was happening when he was separated from his guards, hauled into a plane and told to destroy a device in order to stop some "Starro" menace. It was all a little overwhelming. Their language was easy to pick up on, and Zod quickly put it to good use. [color=dcdcdc]"What is even happening and why?"[/color] When the first earthling he had met leapt out the hanger door, Zod noticed a flaw in their plan. [color=dcdcdc]"Well, I am not as durable as you think I am, so I'll just be a moment,"[/color] he yelled over the wind, and then a moment later he had disappeared in a purple flash. A moment later he reappeared, wearing a massive suit of metallic armor, with blue highlights and a large blue circle in the center of his chest. His eyes slowly became a bright, flaming red visible through the slits in his helmet, and he shot forth a blast of red energy, tracing a line of flame along the Zorro constructions before shooting down after the red-haired meta-human. [i]I really should just blow everything up and say "Give me Superman or I'll kill you"... a tempting thought, but I'm a King, not some brute.[/i]