[@Pikmin Eye] Bulbasaur had his attention on Nincada, and saw how he was going to attempt to attack from the side. The green Pokémon was prepared for this and, being a bit faster, could turn to face Nincada and jump back a little, striking forth at the bug-type with a Vine Whip even as Nincada came forth and bit into Bulbasaur with his Leech Life. Strangely, it has felt like Bulbasaur’s whip-strikes has been harder and faster as Bulbasaur’s gotten more damaged. Nincada definitely couldn’t hold on much longer. Bulbasaur held forth, pressing back when Nincada grabbed on, seemingly intent on making it a wrestling match with Bulbasaur’s Vine Whips intent on tipping the favour really soon. However, it didn’t appear that Bulbasaur had wagered on this being a distraction. Martin’s Pokéball hit Bulbasaur’s bulb. Bulbasaur blinked minutely in surprise before being streamed into the Pokéball which bounced back onto the floor of the drain. The Pokéball shook, backwards and forwards fairly violently, implying that Bulbasaur wasn’t about to hand himself over so easily. Little did Martin know that the odds were not actually in his favour this time, for Bulbasaurs were hard and rare Pokémon to catch. The ball suddenly jumped up into the air, from some form of motion of the Pokémon inside it, rising in the air considerably. It hovered briefly in the air, gravity counter-acting its ascent, before it fell harshly at the ground below. The impact of the ball hitting the ground below echoed past Martin as the ball hit with significant force, and…! [hider=result][i]CLICK[/i] … The ball’s light went out just as the ball spun out from the impact of the landing and rolled fiercely over onto its back, the resistance of the Pokémon within still present, but it was not enough this time as Bulbasaur had been too damaged to resist it. [center][color=6ecff6][i]Martin caught Bulbasaur![/i][/color][/center] [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/21/001Bulbasaur.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/gNHbSqv.png[/img][/url][/center] [b]Gender[/b]: ♂ [b]Type[/b]: Grass/Poison [b]Personality[/b]: (Up to player.) [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other[/b]: (Up to player.) [b]Level[/b]: 10 [b]Moves[/b]: Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip [b]Ability[/b]: Overgrow. Boosts power of Grass-type moves when heavily damaged. [b]Held Item[/b]: None. Currently at about 10% health. [center][color=6ecff6][i]New Pokémon caught! Martin earned 3000 P![/i][/color] [color=6ecff6][i]Would you like to give a nickname to Bulbasaur?[/i][/color][/center] And beyond that, this experience had been fairly toughening for Nincada. [center][color=6ecff6][i]Nincada grew to level 10![/i][/color][/center] … He’s also at about 5% health after a pretty even fight. And so, Martin’s now once again has a choice of what to do next. He’s still in the drain. [hider=Route 1][center][h2]Route 1[/h2][/center] [center][url=https://i.imgur.com/Pdzlbnc.jpg][img]https://i.imgur.com/bEKxQ4h.jpg[/img][/url][/center] [hider=Original description]Route 1 is a long, flat and grassy route where most trainers get their first taste of the world. Already from here you can see the hills of Highhill in the distance, the start of the Silent Forest surrounding the Silent Shrine on the left. There is a larger road, a main road used for travelling in and out of Pureplain City, there are plenty of more mature travellers taking that road to get from point A to point B. But, young Pokémon Trainers usually much rather use the smaller path going out into the grassland. This is some remnants of the plain which Pureplain City was named after, although most of that plain is now swallowed up by buildings of people living around here. Small roads branch out, leading to different places where some individuals have made their houses. There are many safe roads, yet take one step out of it and you’re immediately in tall grass, where you can already see many first-time Pokémon Trainers are challenging their first Pokémon. One could expect Pokémon Trainers to be searching for Pokémon either in the tall grass or the forest on the side, and also battling one another as they can. From the looks of it, there are plenty of young trainers sporting freshly caught Pidgeys and Rattatas. As one approaches Highhill Town, the forest becomes more plentiful, as beyond the town lies a forest. Through the route also runs an indent, a drain surrounded by walls, seemingly made for the water to gather up inside it. It’s currently dry, whatever cause of that might be. Some trainers appear to be having fun battling inside it, and they’re running around challenging one another inside it. But, the drain also raised interesting questions about what kind of Pokémon or things one might find should one explore it further.[/hider][/hider] [hider=Suggestions to actions]1. Find Pokémon. [i]There’s searching in the tall grass, and there’s the forest in the left, then there’s the drain…[/i] 2. Train Pokémon. [i]With this command, we can jump ahead in time and skip posting about grinding.[/i] 3. Seek trainers. [i]There should be some here and there. Note, some may challenge you, regardless.[/i] 4. Talk. [i]There’s plenty of young trainers around. There are also houses and travellers. Maybe seek answers to any burning questions you have.[/i] 5. Move along. [i]Move along normally, letting any events that may come happen naturally.[/i] 6. Hurry along. [i]Intentionally avoid confrontations and try to get safely to the next destination.[/i] 7. Specify. [i]If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result.[/i] 8. Trigger random event. [i]Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you.[/i] 9. Area Specific: Descend. [i]Or, well. You’re already IN the drain, but you could follow it further, so to say.[/i][/hider] [i]Connected areas: [/i] Pureplain City. [i]Behind you.[/i] Highhill Town. [i]Requires crossing the rest of the route, but it’s pretty easy to get to by just following the drain.[/i] [hider=Route 1, known Pokémon]Common: #16 Pidgey #19 Rattata Uncommon: Rare: #1 Bulbasaur[/hider][/hider] __________________________ [@Joshua Tamashii] - [i]Night[/i] The Beedrill lay still, resting, as Amelia kneeled beside it and petted it. Delphox quite decidedly looked away as the young girl did her rounds, looking a bit like she was feeling awkward as these were the Pokémon she had fried, sooo… Still. Eventually, Amelia’s journey took her to Trevenant and Chandelure, the elder tree and the chandelier turning to look at her. First they seemed pretty appreciative, more than happy to protect her, Trevenant nodding a bit and Chandelure making happy little sounds ([color=8484c2]‘Chan-del~!’[/color]), but that changed when she mentioned she was going in [i]that[/i] direction. Chandelure blinked, staring at her, while Trevenant straightened himself giving her a hard look. The floating chandelier then quickly shook its head negatively, the candle-arms unable to keep up so they soon waved back and forth as well out-of-sync with the main body. ([color=8484c2]‘Chan-chan-chan…!’[/color]) … Seemed like that was not entirely agreed upon by the two ghosts. [color=c5b9c7]‘… You’re NOT heading to that.’[/color] Laurinda announced, stepping close and stopping, her tone and expression strict. [color=c5b9c7]‘I let you in this deep because I felt something strange about you. However, that doesn’t change the fact you’re an inexperienced child in one of the most dangerous woods of Isson. Until you’ve caught what you’re looking for and left, I and my Pokémon will be babysitting you.’[/color] Her gaze became a bit more harsh. [color=c5b9c7]‘And I do not want to hear of you even accidentally ending up closer to [i]THAT[/i] than you have to be.’[/color] … Seemed like, if Amelia wanted to get to that, she’d have to do it without Laurinda, somehow. And Laurinda seemed pretty intent on watching her like a hawk on prowl. Regardless, Amelia could still begin her search, though Laurinda was right behind her along with both Trevenant and Chandelure, leaving Delphox behind with the injured bugs. Now, Wilted Woods was a TERRIBLE place to look for berries in. All plants that were complicated enough to carry berries were dead, drained, leaving only weeds and parasitic forms of vegetation clutching the dead trees. Amelia wouldn’t have any luck in that regard. However, when it came to finding Pokémon… it would almost be more accurate to say the ghosts found her. [color=d4bc70]‘Hey!’[/color] A little voice of a male child called. [color=95c4de]‘This way!’[/color] Another, female-sounding child’s voice called, directing towards deeper into the woods. Now, one could be tricked by this, if Amelia couldn’t directly tell where the voices came from, and the Pokédex wasn’t fooled either. [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/72/708Phantump.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/d4QKbKK.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #708 – Phantump, the Stump Pokémon. Said to be stumps possessed by the spirits of children who died lost in forests. Found mainly in lonely forests where humans don’t tread, they can lead humans astray with their eerie cries that imitate a human child’s. The leaves on its head are said to have healing properties.[/i][/color][/center] In addition, Amelia’s search for numbers led to that she found clouds of shining pumpkins running across the floor of the woods, varying sizes of them gazing around as they moved on fairly kindly as they transported the souls inside. [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/df/710Pumpkaboo.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/71xboGl.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #710 – Pumpkaboo, the Pumpkin Pokémon. A pumpkin body inhabited by spirits trapped in this world. It is said to carry such wandering spirits to where they belong so they can move on. They turn restless at night. They comes in many varying sizes, from 7 lbs to over 30.[/i][/color][/center] [color=c5b9c7]‘The Phantumps and the Pumpkaboos are all relatively peaceful.’[/color] Laurinda commented. [color=c5b9c7]‘You’re unlikely to get problems from them, unless you’re a fool. The REAL problem is…’[/color] There was a slam from a bit further away, a tree that had stomped down a huge root, moving to turn around to gaze at them. … Well, a pretty small tree, but regardless, that was definitely one of many wild Trevenants of the woods posing as regular trees. Now, Amelia could sense exactly which was that. In case she checked again with her Pokédex… [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/4b/709Trevenant.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/mHjIsei.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #709 – Trevenant, the Elder Tree Pokémon. Using its roots to connect to the trees around it, a Trevenant can manipulate trees at will. They’re known to protect the creatures inside the forests where they dwell, and trap those who’d do harm upon the forest.[/i][/color][/center] [color=c5b9c7]‘The Trevenants will protect the weaker Pokémon of the Wilted Woods from those who’d attack them.’[/color] Laurinda said with some distaste. [color=c5b9c7]‘Anyone who wants to catch the smaller creatures will have to contend with them. In addition…’[/color] As if to punctuate that statement, a song suddenly reached their ears. Sounds coursing in between the trees, eerie tunes causing hairs to rise and a feeling of coldness spreading through one’s body, as if touched by death. It was as if the song itself wanted to part spirit from body among the living. The source of this was the spirits hanging around here and there within the Wilted Woods, announcing their ill will. [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/8/88/711Gourgeist.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/VxfVoAh.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #711 – Gourgeist, the Pumpkin Pokémon. It is a malevolent Pokémon that catches prey with its hair-like arms and sings joyfully as it causes pain to its victims. Under new moons, they take to wandering city streets while singing in eerie voices. Anyone who hears their song is cursed. They come in varying sizes, from 20 lbs to over 80.[/i][/color][/center] [color=c5b9c7]‘… The Gourgeists will attack regardless, eventually.’[/color] Laurinda filled in, gazing off towards them. [color=c5b9c7]‘Their curse isn’t that much to worry about. Stay calm, and you’ll find yourself quite alive by the end of it, regardless of their curse.’[/color] The woman calmly gazed around. There were quite a few Gourgeists out there, circling on the horizon… [color=c5b9c7]‘… There’s more than usual. Are you drawing them, somehow?’[/color] Laurinda inquired, but then just sighed. [color=c5b9c7]‘Regardless. Do you still want to try your luck securing a ghost-Pokémon from the most treacherous areas of these woods?’[/color] Amelia now had to decide what she intended on doing. Also, no shinies yet, just an update on the Pokémon state of these woods. __________________________ [@Eklispe] Simply ignoring the two teams chasing each other into the Wet Caverns turned out to be a working strategy, as Dawkin could peacefully wander back into Outer Infested Woods. [hider=Outer Infested Woods][center][h2]Outer Infested Woods[/h2][/center] [center][url=http://i.imgur.com/bMm3W60.jpg][img]http://i.imgur.com/VnhgcpJ.jpg[/img][/url][/center] [hider=Original description]The woods glows. Almost everywhere you look, there are shining lights swirling around the trees, flowing along the winds of the woods. It’s a bright dance of yellow light that encompasses everything forwards, shielding the woods from being peeked further into. The floors of the woods are naturally wet, the waters of the Dragon Lake flowing south and nourishing the woods, giving plenty in the kind of water needed to sustain the woods, and the puddles are excellent for the breeding of bugs. That is the kind of world you’ve stepped into. So, there’s a metric tonne of Volbeats flying in every perceivable direction, the combination of water and tight woods shielding sunlight causing them to light up in massive numbers. One could almost see where the sweet aroma of Illumise could be smelled in the air as the swarms flew steadily in those directions, before circling back. They were so many, it made the lights shine in numbers enough that one barely saw anything other than the moving lights, causing the woods to glow. You weren’t alone in having sought out the Infested Woods. Here and there, bug-catchers or just regular trainers were doing their best to catch whatever Pokémon they desired. The first area of Infested Woods was low-level. It was almost impossible to not see at least one Caterpie crawling along the forest-floor or the trees, and if one didn’t see them it was because of the light of Volbeats. There’s a hut standing there, on the outskirts of the woods. There’s a sign on the outside saying “We’ll heal your Pokémon for 100 P!”. … Looking at the influx of bug catchers, it seems they might have invested in a fairly successful business venture. One could travel across the outer parts of Infested Woods to get closer to the Wet Caverns. There was always the possibility of delving deeper into the Infested Woods, further south… but are you prepared for that?[/hider][/hider] Back here, yupp. And now, notably, he could see a few he recognized. Lucian’s currently over there, having been letting his new Venipede train. Claire’s coming out of deeper into the woods, accompanied by Laurinda, her Delphox and an unknown girl. They’re talking about something. They’re fairly far away and could be ignored, but he could also say hi if he wanted to. [hider=Suggestions to actions]1. Find Pokémon. [i]Can be specified what kind of Pokémon is being searched for, and how you search.[/i] 2. Train Pokémon. [i]With this command, we can jump ahead in time and skip posting about grinding.[/i] 3. Seek trainers. [i]There should be quite a few aspiring Bug Catchers. Note, some may challenge you, regardless.[/i] 4. Talk. [i]There’s some other trainers around. Maybe seek answers to any burning questions you have.[/i] 5. Move along. [i]Move along normally, letting any events that may come happen naturally.[/i] 6. Hurry along. [i]Intentionally avoid confrontations and try to get safely to the next destination.[/i] 7. Specify. [i]If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result.[/i] 8. Trigger random event. [i]Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you.[/i] 9. Area Specific: Heal at the hut (100p). [i]Might beat having to go all the way back to Pureplain City…[/i] 10. Area Specific: Delve Deeper. [i]What might await in the deeper regions of the woods…?[/i] 11. Familiar Faces: Lucian, Claire+Laurinda. Karlos. [i]If for some reason Dawkin would like to come into contact with the other trainers, now’s his chance. Oh, and Karlos the Bug Catcher who gave him the Repel+Escape Rope is still here, just in case.[/i][/hider] [i]Connected areas: [/i] Route 2. [i]Turn right and walk a few steps. Though, head through more of Infested Woods and less Route 2 will need to be travelled to get to Pureplain City.[/i] Wet Caverns. [i]Right behind you.[/i] [hider=Outer Infested Woods, known Pokémon]Common: #10 Caterpie #265 Wurmple #313 Volbeat #314 Illumise Uncommon: #13 Weedle #165 Ledyba Rare: “Queen”[/hider] __________________________ [@Rune_Alchemist] Yvonne blinked in surprise at Claire’s words, looking over at her and Ralia, who she had apparently made sad. [color=d6d2a9]‘… Huh?’[/color] It hadn’t entirely clicked with her what Claire was on about as she was jabbed in the shoulder and looked as startled about that as she swayed a bit back. However, then Claire asked that question to Laurinda, and Yvonne’s gaze focused. Laurinda gave the two of them a stare. [color=c5b9c7]‘The idea behind calling my friend was to get a lost girl home, not to act as your personal taxi. If you want to go to Redcoast City, it’s a lot closer than Justroad and you could as well walk there. Freecape Ferrymen don’t come cheap, you know.’[/color] She commented, staring. Then, Yvonne chuckled, having turned an amused smile onto her lips. [color=d6d2a9]‘… You want to follow me directly to the start of a Coordinator’s journey, eh? … I’ll allow it! Laurinda, I’LL be paying! Please call your Ferryman! … And give me his number!’[/color] Yvonne announced, pointing towards Laurinda while giving commands. Laurinda gave the two hopeful girls another stare, looking defeated, then sighed. [color=c5b9c7]‘Right. Sure. If you can afford it. I suppose the Ferrymen would appreciate another wealthy customer anyways. But don’t use them for everything, Pokémon journeys are supposed to be done on foot and by the power of your own and your Pokémon’s efforts, not someone else’s.’[/color] So the traditional Pokémon Trainer said as she fished out her phone. And, by now, they were heading into the light of the Outer Infested Woods, back into the forest of Volbeats flying about. [hider=Outer Infested Woods][center][h2]Outer Infested Woods[/h2][/center] [center][url=http://i.imgur.com/bMm3W60.jpg][img]http://i.imgur.com/VnhgcpJ.jpg[/img][/url][/center] [hider=Original description]The woods glows. Almost everywhere you look, there are shining lights swirling around the trees, flowing along the winds of the woods. It’s a bright dance of yellow light that encompasses everything forwards, shielding the woods from being peeked further into. The floors of the woods are naturally wet, the waters of the Dragon Lake flowing south and nourishing the woods, giving plenty in the kind of water needed to sustain the woods, and the puddles are excellent for the breeding of bugs. That is the kind of world you’ve stepped into. So, there’s a metric tonne of Volbeats flying in every perceivable direction, the combination of water and tight woods shielding sunlight causing them to light up in massive numbers. One could almost see where the sweet aroma of Illumise could be smelled in the air as the swarms flew steadily in those directions, before circling back. They were so many, it made the lights shine in numbers enough that one barely saw anything other than the moving lights, causing the woods to glow. You weren’t alone in having sought out the Infested Woods. Here and there, bug-catchers or just regular trainers were doing their best to catch whatever Pokémon they desired. The first area of Infested Woods was low-level. It was almost impossible to not see at least one Caterpie crawling along the forest-floor or the trees, and if one didn’t see them it was because of the light of Volbeats. There’s a hut standing there, on the outskirts of the woods. There’s a sign on the outside saying “We’ll heal your Pokémon for 100 P!”. … Looking at the influx of bug catchers, it seems they might have invested in a fairly successful business venture. One could travel across the outer parts of Infested Woods to get closer to the Wet Caverns. There was always the possibility of delving deeper into the Infested Woods, further south… but are you prepared for that?[/hider][/hider] Here there were two Claire could potentially recognize. Lucian’s currently over there, having been letting his new Venipede train. Dawkin’s wandering into the woods from the direction of Wet Caverns. Both too far away to talk to directly from here, but Claire could recognize them if she wants to. Even though it could be figured that Claire’s likely going to not stray too far from Yvonne and Laurinda, here’s the options menu just because it contains the “Familiar Faces” section. And it does have “Heal at the hut”. [hider=Suggestions to actions]1. Find Pokémon. [i]Can be specified what kind of Pokémon is being searched for, and how you search.[/i] 2. Train Pokémon. [i]With this command, we can jump ahead in time and skip posting about grinding.[/i] 3. Seek trainers. [i]There should be quite a few aspiring Bug Catchers. Note, some may challenge you, regardless.[/i] 4. Talk. [i]There’s some other trainers around. Maybe seek answers to any burning questions you have.[/i] 5. Move along. [i]Move along normally, letting any events that may come happen naturally.[/i] 6. Hurry along. [i]Intentionally avoid confrontations and try to get safely to the next destination.[/i] 7. Specify. [i]If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result.[/i] 8. Trigger random event. [i]Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you.[/i] 9. Area Specific: Heal at the hut (100p). [i]Might beat having to go all the way back to Pureplain City…[/i] 10. Area Specific: Delve Deeper. [i]What might await in the deeper regions of the woods…?[/i] 11. Familiar Faces: Lucian, Dawkin. [i]If she for some reason wants to come into contact with them, they’re here.[/i][/hider] [i]Connected areas: [/i] Route 2. [i]Close, can easily get there without complication.[/i] Wet Caverns. [i]Should also not be much of a challenge.[/i] [hider=Outer Infested Woods, known Pokémon]Common: #10 Caterpie #265 Wurmple #313 Volbeat #314 Illumise Uncommon: #13 Weedle #165 Ledyba Rare: “Queen”[/hider] __________________________ [@Pyromaniacwolf] While Venipede was training, Lucian may notice two people he recognized. Dawkin’s wandering into the woods from the direction of Wet Caverns. Claire’s coming out of deeper into the woods, accompanied by an adult woman in robes, a bipedal fire-fox Pokémon and an unknown girl. In case he felt like reacting to any of that, that was possible.