Orren had sat down to the table to eat thinking that James would show the young woman into the parlor to wait for him there. He was quite surprised by their entrance into the dining room. He was sitting at the table with a large plate of luncheon meats and fruits and vegetables before him. When she walked in he looked up and saw her terror written on her face. It was sheer instinct that made her turn away and one of determination that made her stay. Orren had just taken a bite of his apple and so he thought he must look kind of silly with a half eaten apple hanging out of his mouth. He glanced at James and gave him a terribly annoyed look. Orren finished his apple and then he stood up and with his cloak flowing around him he made his way over to Adelina. His princely manners did not go to waste. He bowed to her and took her hand in his shaking it lightly. [color=00aeef]"Mistress Erenborn, I am sorry that James did not prepare you better. The house is in terrible shape. He is the worst at cleaning up and I can be messy. Now, I had hoped to get to the obvious a little later but as you can see James is terribly ugly. A mean old crone cast a spell on him so that he might scare all of the children in the castle. Twas terribly cruel of her."[/color] Orren said all of this with the straight faced expression of a comedian. James however picked up an apple and threw it at him. Easily catching the apple Orren took a bite of it and said with all of the dramatic flare of a theatre troupe. [color=00aeef]"Rumor has it that James eats young women and children and scares all of the warriors away with his beastliness. So if I were you I would steer clear of him and spend all of your time with me."[/color] Beastly or not Orren was grinning as James gave him a look of incredulity. [@XxLyraxX]