Amelie blinked in confusion at the amount of effort it took to redirect the man’s limbs. What…? She had perfected that magic. … Okay, perhaps not perfected, but she’d mastered her strain well enough to be confident in her results. Why was this taking such effort? … Regardless, she forced her mind into working the magic and held him in place, breathing a bit heavily as she did. When Fortune asked her if she was alright, she nodded quite quickly. [color=ded0a4]‘I’m alright…’[/color] She said. A bit shaken, mentally, but physically alright. Then the knight turned to yell at the two people, and Amelie shivered a bit at his tone. But, it seemed to be on her side, so she bit it together and listened. Okay, so she was to be under his protection. … She could get behind that. The male knight Amelie had captured turned talkative when Luca and Fortune had spoken. They were told about five passengers, and their spotters had not seen her or the archer enter. Amelie figured out why immediately. She had materialized in the limo after Penny sent her here, to a world where she would be executed immediately due to this. She almost had to admire Penny’s precision in choosing such an intricate method of killing her indirectly. She could have just dumped her in the open ocean or something, but guess that wasn’t as fun… It would be hard answering his questions truthfully. What if this world didn’t have teleporting or similar? Amelie considered her reply… At the same time, if that was why Amelie had been undetected, what did that mean about the archer? Had he also been transported across dimensions or something to get into the limo? That felt awfully coincidental… The woman with the injured shoulder came out to her while the girl was still considering. While Amelie might look a bit odd, keeping her eyes fixed on the male knight at all times despite being talked to at all times since she had to continue being aware of his every move, she smiled at her pleasantness. [color=ded0a4]‘I’m unhurt. Spare clothes would be wonderful. Thank you.’[/color] She said, accepting the blanket with a few fingers while the others still held her shirt… Though she wouldn’t use it instantly. Not right now. She still used both her hands to hold her shirt, and she felt way too embarrassed to try to pull it off right now due to the lack of proper clothing underneath, even with a blanket to hide behind. As for the matter at hand… [color=ded0a4]‘No more death sounds nice.’[/color] She’d comment upon Andy’s suggestion, though didn’t lower her field. She did, though, feel a need to explain one thing that the male knight had asked. [color=ded0a4]‘… I was transported into the limo by powerful one-way magic that was not my own.’[/color] So much was not a lie. [color=ded0a4]‘I was sent to accompany Sir Fortune and the others on their journey in case of obstacles.’[/color] … And that was complete falsehood, as far as Amelie knew. Penny likely had just sent her to a place where she knew the police would shoot her down. [color=ded0a4]‘The decision was made in a hurry, I was sent in last second, directly into the limo…’[/color] That sounded implausible, even to Amelie. Yet, it was all she had and it had already left her mouth. She shut up after that, hoping that she hadn’t killed herself, somehow. [sub][color=ded0a4]‘I am Amelie, the “Lost Child”. Magician.’[/color][/sub] She whispered to those close enough to hear her, in case they could use her name to back up her story or something. Those closest right now would be at the very least Fortune and Ariett, possibly a few more, but she’d keep her voice down enough that the knights would not hear her. Hopefully. She was still holding the male knight in place. Hopefully they’d follow Andy and Luca’s commands. If they responded positively, then Amelie’d slowly stop using her powers on the male knight’s movements to allow him to actually do what he promised. And here’s a reminder that the Redirection Orb is not invisible, it’s fairly visible due to just slightly distorted light in the area of the orb, though it could still be clearly seen through. It was just currently surrounding the knight, pretty obvious something was being done there.