Get in, eat, leave: that was the plan Ma'ai had in mind. Or, if he decided he was too tired by the time he walked into the kitchen then, he'd just take his food with him back to his tent. But his ideal mental scenario flew right out the window shortly after he completed step one. Ma'ai did a double-take when a certain face caught his attention and it took only a couple of seconds for him to figure out why. Chrissa? Now he remembered. Ma'ai and Chrissa were never close friends but they were acquainted enough; he used to stop by her flower shop often whenever he was picking something for his mother or sisters. The angel wouldn't admit it but the joy he felt at seeing another friendly face of someone from before the Genesis evacuation... Simply put, he was [i]very[/i] homesick and being alone for so long hadn't helped with that feeling. Ma'ai grinned widely to himself with unrestrained glee but refrained from accosting her just yet. She looked to be preoccupied with someone else although he didn't recognize who it was.