[center][h2][color=a187be]Amelia Averyonna[/color][/h2] [@PlatinumSkink][/center] Amelia frowned at Laurinda but didn't object before setting out to continue her hunt for a, hopefully shiny, Phantump. She took her time searching the forest, feeling a bit upset that there were no berries to be found, but at the same time, not all that surprised. She would be surprised if she found a single object that she could use in these woods. As she continued her search, she looked back at her babysitters every now and then to see how close they were sticking to her. She was curious as to what the presence could be, especially to scare someone with powerful pokemon. For now though, she would let it go. When she got stronger, she would come back and find out herself. For now though, she turned her attention to all the Ghost-types that were surrounding them. The voices didn't seem to bug her, nor did the song of the Gourgeist that passed by, though she made it a point to scan both it and the passing Pumpkaboo and Phantump for good measure. When she heard Laurinda's comment on how they seemed to be gathering towards her, she let out a soft sigh before turning to face the older trainer. "[color=a187be]To be honest, they probably are drawn to be, just like all my friends back home. I... I lied to you earlier. I didn't hear that there were Ghost-type pokemon in here from another trainer. I sensed them, all the way from the safest part of the forest[/color]." she said. "[color=a187be]I've been able to sense the presence of Ghosts for as long as I can remember. I played with them a lot back home as well. Top that off with the fact that I don't have the best health and I would see how they would be attracted to me as much as I'm attracted to them. I just want to be friends with them. Same way that they have always been friendly towards me. I know you probably won't believe me but it is the truth[/color]." Having said her piece, she looked around before heading over to a rather well hidden Trevenant, not the one that had moved before, looking up at it. "[color=a187be]Excuse me. Can I speak with you[/color]?" She asked it without the slightest sign of fear.