[hider=Richard Scott] [center] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FYW12Yo.png [/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5yjegQr.png [/img] [/hider] [b]Real Name:[/b] Richard Scott [b]Nickname(s):[/b] Dick, Scotty, Karate bugman [b]Hero Name:[/b] Kickhopper [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Steel bat [b]Main Power:[/b] While not exactly having powers, Richard instead has a very powerful tool on his position that he “Borrowed” from Doctor Tanas. Insect armor: when pressing the big red button on his belt, a [url=http://touch.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=big&illust_id=40956938] grasshopper[/url] [url=http://touch.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=big&illust_id=31691996] themed [/url] armor surrounds him. While the armor may not be able to stop most military grade weapons from piercing Richard to shreds it can stop most civilian weapons and melee with only a few dents as the result. The armor also enhances his strength and jumping range, making him able to challenge Olympic athletes strength wise; his jumping height easily reaches 2.5m. [b]Sub Power:[/b] CLOCK UP: The all or nothing final attack that kickhopper possesses (even though Richard doesn't know about it yet) by pulling the lever that is between the legs of the grasshopper buckle, the belt will begin emitting electricity that travels all around the armor, eventually concentrating on the right foot, making it capable of seriously burning the things it kicks. It also raises the speed of the wearer to muzzle velocity, which combined with the electrified kick can lead to a deadly surprise attack. Now it's not devoid of downsides: firstly entering clock up is a taxing process for both the user and the belt, most times breaking the transformation after being used and leaving the user exhausted. Lastly to prevent extensive damage to the belt, clock up has an imposed limit of 10 seconds before the effects of clock up turn off. [b]Personality:[/b] One may consider Richard to be a naive person, since he assumes most people have good intentions at heart. Richard tends to see things in black and white, with the middle ground not existing and him being on the good side. This combined with his tendency to shoot first and ask questions later, makes it very difficult to change his opinions. On the good things about him, he has a strong sense of “justice” and is adamant about helping people he considers innocent. [b]History:[/b] Richard didn't had many friends growing up and was constantly bullied at school for it, at first taunting him about his loneliness then escalating into beatings. Telling the teachers only delayed the inevitable for a few days and his parents were always too busy to hear his problems at school, his solution to his problem would come when he was watching “Power riders” his favorite show on TV. If he couldn't make them stop with words or by calling the authority he would have to teach them the meaning of JUSTICE and PEACE by force. It took a few tries and injuries but Richard was able to teach those bullies the meaning of justice after beating them. Surprisingly it worked quite well, who knew that a bat would be a perfect teaching tool? The bullies would stop pestering him after that, though he would gain a quite infamous reputation. Richard only started to care about it when other students came to him to prove the veracity of his reputation. Some wanted to fight him, others wanted help with their problems and despite him initially wanting nothing to do with their needs and wants, he eventually came to like it, as if he was like the heroes he watched. One day an old man in a lab coat approached him after school, identifying himself as Dr. Tanas he offered a part time job to Richard as a security guard of his laboratory, as some teenaagers were causing trouble in there. Not having anything interesting to do in the evenings and wanting to earn some money on his own he accepted. The laboratory was in the slums of the city, many floors underground of a local pharmacy. He was granted a very strange [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/9/92/0017.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140524015137]skin-tight uniform[/url], making Richard think that either the doctor had a strange fetish of he had a horrible sense of fashion. Nothing really happened on his shifts, he spent his time at the job looking at his phone while Dr. Tanas was working on his private room. Other guys were there but everytime he tried to talk them they only responded with “EEEEEE” which apart from the maniac laugh that was heard once in awhile from the Doctor​ where the only sounds in the laboratory. Feeling that he was wasting his time, Richard decided to quit his job. Coming back to the lab at the hour his shift ended to tell Elvid that he was quitting, Richard found the lab in tatters,broken furniture and traces of small fires were present in the laboratory. No traces of the other guys or Dr. Tanas appeared as he aproached the private room of Tanas, where he found [url=http://www.rovang.org/wiki/spirit-rangers.jpg ]three suited guys[/url] looking for something on the room. They probably were the teenagers that Dr. Tanas had talked him about, the question was how did they were able to cause this much damage? Giving them a closer look, he noticed their similarity to the protagonists of the power rider series, were they real power riders or just thieves with a cosplay motif? Before he could make any action the men noticed him and began to approach slowly, which Richard took advantage and decided to run as they shouted to him that they were heroes and he didn't need to be scared, which sounded exactly like the thing a bad guy would say. Richard ran through the lab looking for something to beat the crap out of them. Opening the drawers of the small kitchen the lab had, Richard looked for something pointy to defend itself with, instead he found himself with a strange belt with an [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CE6HfOWUIAEzM44.jpg]insect shaped[/url] buckle, covered in food stains likely that the Doctor had been working on it while eating. While looking at it, the three men managed to catch up with him, this time keeping their distance. Taking off their wrist braces their suits disappeared in a flash of smoke revealing three men with similar age to him. Still keeping their distance the men explained Richard that they were warriors of justice, tasked by a giant hologram head to defeat Dr. Satan before he used his evil technology to… And that's all that Richard heard before he figured out how to activate the buckle, transform and beat them up before they transformed. Richard didn't know how they expected him to believe some ridiculous story, a doctor named Satan? A giant hologram giving teenagers superpowered armor? but the most damning fact was the lack of a red member of the team of transforming heroes. The lack of any body or evidence could mean that Dr. Tanas escaped though he could only hope for it, feeling pity for him as he was falsely accused of trying to conquer the world just because he had a strange name. Checking in the pockets of the men for something to see if they hadn't taken anything valuable, Richard found instead a letter inviting them to the city hall, to form a group to protect the city from some “Voodoo man”. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place as he finished reading the letter, clearly the voodoo man had brainwashed them to attack the innocent Dr. Tanas. Richard decided to take their place since they were already brainwashed, took their letters and left with the insect belt. [b]Other:[/b] [/center] [/hider]