NPC STATUS [hider=Don't lose your head] [b]Name:[/b] [color=ed1c24]Westley Stride[/color] [b]Alias:[/b] [b][color=ed1c24]The Crimson Cavalier[/color][/b] [b]Race:[/b] Resurrected Half-Elf [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Class:[/b] Wizard [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*][color=ed1c24]The Bloodstained Blade[/color] - A fancy name for an ordinary sword. The only thing that's special about it is that it's colored red. In the event of a melee-encounter, Stride will fall back onto using this weapon. [*][color=8dc73f]The Xeno Staff[/color] - A summoning staff that allows the summon of one flying saucer minion, capable of shooting weak lasers at the opponent. There can only be one minion at a time, and they can be re-summoned when the existing one perishes. [*][color=fff200]Golden Shower[/color] - Get your mind out of the gutter! This spell tome casts a ray of golden light at the opponent, and if they are hit, they take increased damage from any source that hits them for a short period of time. [*][color=ed1c24]Life Drain[/color] - A staff that allows for decent damage off of other people and heals the caster, but is expensive to use in the Mana department. [*][color=0054a6]The Mana Flower + 3 Mana Potions[/color] - Simply put, the Mana Flower allows for the automatic consumption of Mana potions, and each potion restores the caster's mana to full. (A paragraph with Life Drain automatically costs at least a single potion, and everything else costs about half of one. Stride get's 4 full cycles of Mana per combat session, including all the potions.)[/list] [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*][color=a7a7a7]Deathly Influence[/color] - Stride has seen his fate fall before him, and he has actually spoken to Death herself. Death had proclaimed she had a lot of money on Stride's accomplishments, and he should not disappoint her. As a result of Death's influence on Stride's life, he has gained a more resilient lock on his soul, and it will take a bit more to take his soul than the usual man. [*][color=a7a7a7]No Neck[/color] - Not really an ability, but Stride can separate his head from his torso by taking it off. This was due to Death's plea for Stride's resurrection, and the way he went out caused irreversible damage to his neck. Stride's head is near harmless when in a combat scenario, but his body still is an independent entity, and will act as if Stride's head was still on it's neck.[/list] [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Take advantage of what you believe in, and remember why you are here. Stride is overly cocky during a fight, and will often rush into a situation without thinking, probably due to the misdirection that because he knows Death itself, he is immortal and believes it as such. More often than not, Stride will start out every fight by summoning a minion, and then proceeding to debuff his opponent and finishing it off with a constant spray of Life Drain. If need be, Stride will use anything he can find for cover when confronted with an opponent that is massively taller than he is, but he will still go headstrong in attempting to kill his enemy. [b]Personality:[/b] Stride is cocky and arrogant for the majority of the time, and constantly shows a bitter resentment towards humans and elves. Anybody else is okay, but humans and elves are the worst in his mind. Stride will wait and listen when he has to, but it's quite often that he'll divert from an intended plan in pursuit of a greater reward, and this showed once when he defended the life of a humanoid spider when an Orc tried to kill it, and he got his head chopped off in the process. Granted that wasn't the plan, but still. [b]Bio:[/b] [hider=Quick Summary] Stride was born in a region of his world where half-races were seen as being incredibly unholy and deserving of a lot of discrimination. This led to Stride leaving his home as soon as he could in pursuit of magical aptitude, and eventually getting caught up in the employment of Yashar, a powerful mage that needed a group of monsters to kill a group of heroes and retrieve this book. He also got cursed and constantly drooled, but that's besides the point. Before the actual quest started, Stride got his head chopped off and he met Death, who told him that he wasn't ready to die yet and he would be resurrected. Stride came back to life and helped get the book back, gaining vast knowledge over the world and eventually finding himself under the employment of Death again, who told him to enter this tournament and win in her name.[/hider] [b]Wish:[/b] He wants to honor Death by winning the tournament and achieving total immortality. [b]Echo:[/b] A tall tower in the middle of a large city, full of monsters. The tower where he met Yashar, and his life truly accelerated. [b]Appearance:[/b][hider=Here][img][/img][/hider] [b]Frenzy:[/b] Stride's neck would begin to overflow with saliva, oddly refraining from soaking his clothes, and it would spread around the arena floor, eventually igniting into a blazing red fire. This fire is able to be manipulated by Stride freely, and while it is limited by how frequent the area is, it can be focused into a large blazing fireball of pure heat. Stride's clothes char off his body, barring the set of mage robes that he wears, and he announces that he is the Gatekeeper to Hell, and he is accepting new residents. [b]Inventory:[/b] Phylactery [/hider] I did this when I was tired. Please be gentle if it's bad.