[quote=@PrivateVentures] [@JaceBeleren] I think I forgot to mention my intentions for Pavara's cutlass. Basically, it's an artifact equipment with a "tap an equal amount of mana as the spell you you're countering costs" Or, on second thought, could it be a free "Tap= counter target spell with converted mana cost of 1"? In summation, I wanted a small spell counter for the first round, just for a little surefire self defense. [/quote] Force spike exists Plus if you can make equipment cards.... Izzet just got broken. Time for my Free Black Lotus And an Artifact that allows me to Channel Then all I need is fireball But in actually that begs the question. Why do you need a surefire way of getting a free counterspell. Very much so if its the first drop of the game. Theres a reason this game doesn't include tapping artifacts for counters for free. They break the colour pie. If a golgari can counterspell thats going to be a problem