[quote=@Burning Kitty] Not 40. Your math skills are atrocious. Three decades puts me in my 30s. As for standard, when I see it in a professional publication, not on a website such as this, then we can talk about whether it is standard or not. Until then, I am going to do it my way. You can either accept that or don't read it. I have been on sites like this on and off since in my 20s. [@BlackSam3091] is the only person to ever complain about it. So everyone else not complaining > [@BlackSam3091] complains. Let's see if you can figure out that math. [/quote] Most people who go to college tend to be at least 20 before being done. They also use textbooks. Two decades is 20 years. So unless you didn't go to college go ahead and add 20 to 20. Also you just said the only books you've read in your lifetime are textbooks. That is also the way writing is done in professional publication. So before you say anymore about seeing something in writing you should think about actually picking up a book. I recommend Cat in the Hat for your level of intellect. Also, you're wrong in saying you can write anyway you want. This is KL and BlackSam's rp so therefore when it comes to what happens within the rp they are your kings. You obey them or get banished. If you want I can bring the attention of a mod to your rude behavior and they'll shut down every argument you have. To address your last paragraph, either you're straight up lying, all the other people didn't want to be mean, or they all sucked at writing just as bad as you do. I just didn't care until you started filling the OOC with your ignorance. Oh, and I can easily figure out that math. Due to BlackSam being your current Co-GM, they are >everyone else not complaining. So, you and your horribly written ridiculously overpowered character can go play that game in your head that you most assuredly will always lose. Now apologize to BlackSam.