[hider=Slitherman][img]http://i.imgur.com/juNO6c6.png[/img] [b]Real Name:[/b] Lei Zhang [b]Nickname(s):[/b] Lei, Scaley, Creepy Snake Person [b]Hero Name:[/b] Slitherman [b]Hero or Villain?:[/b] Hero [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Appearance:[/b] A tall, lithe young man who is capable of looking relatively normal when his powers aren't in use. When they are active, however, large areas of his skin shift into scales, his hair takes on an eerie shade of green, and his eyes become distinctly reptilian. His hero attire is not particularly elaborate, consisting of a dark coat, a hoodie with some snake motifs, a bandanna worn over his face like a mask, and a red tie shaped like a forked tongue. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Sharp, retractable fangs that replace his canines. Easily breakable, but they grow back quickly. [b]Main Power:[/b] Abilities that imitate reptiles, snakes in particular. He's capable of stretching the length of his body and slithering it across most terrain at high speeds. It's worth noting that he cannot stretch individual limbs, increase the length of his body indefinitely, or maintain his elastic form for a prolonged period of time. Usually after a few seconds his body will either constrict back towards his feet, or forwards towards his head. As his powers progress, he may eventually develop the ability to produce venom from his fangs, but for now they only serve as sharp, pointy, makeshift weapons. [b]Sub Power:[/b] Shedding skin. A rather grotesque ability, Slitherman can rapidly detach a rubber-like replica of himself from his body. Though hollow and unmoving, they can often serve as decoys, or be stretched and bound around a person's body to immobilize them. [b]Personality:[/b] Taciturn, aloof, and perhaps a little jaded, Lei is far from the outgoing sort. While he's not particularly averse to social interaction, and will usually attempt to respond when spoken to, most learn over time not to expect him to start any conversations on his own. [b]History:[/b] Once a bright-eyed, hopeful child like any other, Lei had a strong sense of justice and dreamt of becoming a hero. When his mutant abilities manifested when he was a ten years old, one could imagine his mixed feelings. While he had finally attained the superpowers he desired so badly, they clearly lacked the awe-inspiring and fantastical qualities of the heroes he idolized. To put it lightly, his powers were pretty off-putting. The appearance and slithering movements of his body were bizarre and unnerving to some, and flat-out disgusting to others. Most of his former friends and classmates stayed away from him out of fear for what he became, and even his parents warned him never to use his abilities due to the risk that he might be confused for a villain. Some dreams don't die easily, however. And although eight years of social isolation and hiding from others have made for a far less cheery individual, Lei hasn't abandoned the idea that any power can be used for good, no matter what form it takes. And with word of malevolent villains and the mysterious 'Voodoo Man' surfacing, it didn't take him long to decide to cobble together a makeshift secret identity and do something about it.[/hider]