[center][h1][color=0076a3]Kieran Hishamie[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://img.gawkerassets.com/post/9/2013/02/threedsquid.jpg[/img] [/hider] [@tal0n][@necroknight][@aquaazura][@heckno12][@crono] [center][h1] Conversation with Rukt and Zeral [/h1][/center][@heckno12][@necroknight] Kieran shrugged and raised his eyebrow. He should have figured that Rukt would not be super easy to get along with at first, not that this turn of events upset him in the least. In truth he was thankful for a teammate that did not want to be all friendsy. While he was personally involved in the mission, it was still just another mission. After it was over he doubted that everyone involved would even want to stay together. "[color=0076a3]Thats fair I guess. I mean....like I killed a ton of Geth on Eden Prime recently but whatever. But sure, next planet we go to we can kill as many Geth as you want. Then we can all go out for alcohol and strippers.[/color]" Then Zeral made her entrance. [center][h1] conversation with Nathan Campbell [/h1][/center][@crono] Kieran laughed and shook his head. "[color=0076a3]I would but I need to check in with our remaining teammates. Then I need to give our pilot our destination. You will can crash in the crew quarters on the second floor, and your workspace can be wherever you want it to be on the ship, so long as the space isnt taken by someone else.[/color]" Before leaving Kieran gave Nathan a pat on the shoulder. "[color=0076a3]Good to have you along man.[/color]"