[center][color=FireBrick][h2]Journey through the Lush Dark-A Skittering Foe[/h2][/color][/center] The course of the trip deeper into the lair of what Wrath was almost positive was a broodmother by this point was fairly uneventful. Spiders would make their efforts to attack him and find themselves anywhere from turned into sliced arachnid to very bloody pulp inside the crevasse created by Earth Render. The webs grew thicker as he walked and the source of the power became stronger. However, with how quickly things had changed in appearance, it had the Nephilim wondering if this Broodmother had been here a long time or if she had arrived recently. [color=FireBrick][i]It would be hard to tell. With Silitha dead, it's not like we can bust down her door and ask her where her children are.[/i][/color] The thought brings a wry chuckle out of the Nephilim as he slices through some webbing to progress forwards. [color=FireBrick][i]Not that we really could before.[/i][/color] Making another jump into a large domed chamber, he looks around and can sense it, that something powerful was nearby, perhaps even the source of the power blocking his way forwards back in the main tunnel. However, as he goes to move towards it, the sound of crinkling and gnashing pulls his attention to it's source. It was definitely one of Silitha's, with it's crystalline back and other features. However, once it faced him, the Nephilim found himself frowning in concern. The legs had become slimmer and longer, it's features sleeker. In fact, it was beginning to look frighteningly similar to the deceased Queen of Spiders herself, almost as if she was becoming the Queen. As it screeched, Wrath pulled his sword free of it's place on his back, readying himself. [color=FireBrick]"Alright then, let's dance."[/color] As the tide of broodlings rushed forwards to overwhelm the intruder their mother had designated, wrath unleashed a powerful horizontal slash in front of him, the Cleaving Slash opening up enough space to allow him to plunge the blade into the ground, creating a crevasse that swallowed those that escaped the first slash before slamming shut and introducing them to a rather pulpy ending. Turning his attention to the Broodmother itself, he can't help but grin. [color=FireBrick]"Going to take more than fodder to kill me, spidey."[/color]