[Center][img]http://sisalya.ru/uploads/posts/2016-11/day_08/stalker-art_14.jpeg[/img][/center][hr][h3]Nikolai[/h3] [color=forestgreen][i]This must be.. what? The fourteenth time you've been in a safehouse that got attacked in the middle of the night? Seems to me that you would have started sleeping with it strapped on by now.[/i][/color] As the pain in his arms began to subside he finally stopped his mental assault against himself. He methodically slid his arms into his coat and brushed the dirt from his knees as he stood. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug and Nikolai could never sleep when he was experiencing it. Rather than stay inside the barn with the others he had snuck outside to begin his ritual punishments, in the form of exercise. As the sun rose he took a deep breath of the new day's air, both refreshing him and calming his heart. For the next few moments he stared out at the rising sun and recalled every memory of the past night... Nikolai had picked a corner of the safehouse and stashed his gear behind him to use it as a pillow. Had the infected not broken through the glass just 5 or so feet in front of him, he would've had time to grab something. He only had time to jump to his feet and precisely kick the monster on the inside of his knee, causing it to mistep and fall backwards. One glance to his left revealed dozens of infected barreling down on the "safe"house, and thats all it took for him to mentally say "Nope" and book it out the opposite direction. Several others had the same idea and pack instincts took over. Arriving at the small barn, he had desperately tried to calm himself and sleep like the rest, but he knew what he had to do.. [color=82ca9d][i]Bang, bang, bang![/i][/color] Nikolai returned from his meditation as a disgruntled man had walked past him seemingly without detecting him in the darkened lean to section around the back of the barn. Soon after, the banging was heard and Nikolai walked towards the entrance to hear the others' plans. Having heard what the man had to say, he smirked slightly and decided that since the others would be arguing for a bit, he would check out the farmhouse. He began the short journey to the front door of the rundown residence.