[quote=@DracoLunaris] [hider=MSpaint map v2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0r8ffJG.png[/img] [/hider] so my logic here is that "her shield up to encase all of the Newborns" does include Cymophane, that if seraphinite was to stomp off away from everyone it would be in the opposite direction to the crystal gems and that Marie is between the cg and Tug/Chloe and thus not in Seraph's way so she ain't been pushed. finally aqua and blood are off in the gem temple having a dramatic character moment together. Everyone who was on the old map but has not posted since then have been deleted. also the shield is hexagonal and modular so I am not entirely sure if my dome Idea is correct but I am imagining something like this [img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/BubbleShield.jpg[/img] obviously correct me if you think I am wrong. [/quote] Okay, my problem with this is that I wrote that Seraphinite was heading towards the exit(which is where you placed the crystal gems). As such, even though Chloe stopped her, she was still facing the direction, and I'm assuming she was thrown in the direction as well, and in my mind, it wasn't a light toss either(I'm imagining somewhere around where the drone near Cavan is). Also, this places Marnie inside of the dome which begs the question of how large the shield was meant to be, as I assumed it was only put up to create a barrier between Sera and Chloe. [@rocketrobie2]Can you explain more about the shape and size of the shield, that Tug made for this occasion, as that seems to be one of the major points of contention here.