"I like him." Azurael said happily. In fact she decided that while morbid, he did have a particular charm. Azurael nodded at Sephiroth. "I think we should. An outing ought to do some good." She also really wanted to see Grim raise the dead. ................................................ Damien showed his face properly once more when Chrissa left. "You are mean." He told Anuriel and threw a fake punch at her. "Think you can best me, huh?" Anuriel asked grinning, letting sparks dance on her fingertips. Damien kinetically grabbed the nearest object and threw it at Anuriel's face. Anuriel caught the bread roll, toasted it two seconds face and hurled it at Damien's face. The bread roll broke apart on impact scattering itself all over Damien. Damien looked horrified and Anuriel adopted an expression of mock innocence.