Sophia saw how his eyes moved over her body. It made her wonder for a brief second if he was starved for sex because he had gone too long without it or if he was genuinely attracted to her. And then realizing that she was analyzing his look too much, she brushed the thought away. She shouldn't really care because one way or the other, she'll eventually end up in his bed. She expected him to ask for it...even demand it from her. That was how most nobles and most men were, after all. But when he asked her to join him for breakfast, she looked up, surprised. [color=lightgreen]"Breakfast?"[/color] she asked. It was an unusual request, one that she had never been asked before. But she regained her composure quickly and a smile spread across her face. [color=lightgreen]"It would be an honor to accompany you to breakfast, my Lord."[/color] She looked down at his clothes that were in her hands. [color=lightgreen]"I should let you get your rest now, my Lord."[/color] She looked up and smiled again. [color=lightgreen]"I will see you again in the morning,"[/color] she said shyly as she gave him a bow, excused herself and left the room.