[@blumenk]: No ghosts. Too many problems. [@GreenGoat]: May I ask what the 'job' in question is? I think that's all the clarification I need on that end. [@Hammerman]: Hoo boy, where to begin...? Age. Why are we getting younger? This RP is going to get dangerous and [i]possibly[/i] darker in tone at times, so a 12 year old... Might not be the best choice for a character. Especially one whose existence is effectively cute mascot character with a child's mindset. Like, I let 14 slide because it's about that time where you start getting accustomed to the realities of life, but still. Next. Wolfkin. That term really isn't fitting within the cultural context of the RP. At all. There are youkai that exist as a basis. There are non-Japanese mythical creatures that also work. But 'wolfkin' when the name is supposed to be Japanese in origin? Nah. You can condense the first and second in abilities into 'heightened senses', though honestly as a prepubescent child those abilities should be nowhere near as developed as that of a dog whose job it is to hunt down things via smell or sound alone. 3 feels... Kinda out of place. Feels like something that'd be redundant to teach when trying to blend in with humans, which leads me to... 4. Would it not be simpler to write 'increased speed' and 'increased strength' or something along those lines? I did say relative strength should be close to one another, so. Next... idk why, but I wanted to say that adorable is subjective. It's also not an adjective that describes personality. 's all for now. I think.