[quote=@WiseDragonGirl]"Maybe it's time we all talk like civilized people, without any weapons raised at each other and without any more deaths. Everybody agree?"[/quote] [@WiseDragonGirl] "Sir, we are not exactly in a state to disagree." The male pavise knight deadpanned. He had largely stopped squirming in place and had adopted a tall, stolid stance - tightly gripping his pavise shield, but having relaxed his right arm. It was still raised, but held in place for the moment by Amelie's redirection orb. [quote=@mdk]"Who are you and what do you want from me?" He blinked. "I mean, from us." Then Luca's grip on the arrow tightened. Shit. Priority one. "I mean, you need to take us to an infirmary. Now. We have wounded, thanks to you.[/quote] [@mdk] "There's nothing to tell here beyond what I've already said." The male pavise knight said somewhat gruffly. His demeanor was calm, if his expression was somewhat irritated. "We're just supposed to get you to NNSE statim. We owe a few favors and I don't want to get caught up in all of your shit. We have some solvent and can handle any plating you've got, but you lot aren't going to any hospital or clinic. They'd just kill you in your rooms there. Safest place for you all right now is with Platter Aesch." [quote=@PlatinumSkink][color=ded0a4]‘The decision was made in a hurry, I was sent in last second, directly into the limo…’[/color][/quote] [@PlatinumSkink] "Bullshit." Hiecro harshly spat the word from where she was sitting on the ground, having finally unclasped the lower hooks for her visor and lifted it up. "But you know what, I don't even fucking care anymore. You trash are all too hot and too much trouble. I don't even care if you actually turn out to be Proxies. We're taking you all to NNSE and then booking it. I just want to be rid of Aesch and out of this fucking town." The bayonet for her crossbow retracted, and she pressed its guard into the ground for leverage as she began to get to her feet, limbs trembling somewhat. "I'm forming a slug, and you're all coming with us. If you don't like it you can suck on ionized golems after getting fried by the lights. If they haven't all been rigged to aggro on you by now, they will be soon." [quote=@Doc Doctor]Donny backed away to a safe distance, before trotting behind the corner of a building. As he went, he called over his shoulder. "Awll this essitement has loosen'd mah bladdah. Be back in fahve, frahnds."[/quote] [@Doc Doctor] "No you fucking don't!" Hiecro shouted after Donny, hastening to rise but only stumbling in the process and falling back down to all fours. "I'm wise to your fucking game you ginger piece of shit! Geee[i]tuuuhaaahhh buuuhaaakuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuur-"[/i] As Donny turned the corner, Hiecro's words lengthened and started to drop in intonation, as if being slowed down and played back by an extremely poor answering machine. Looking back, even her motion had slowed down - she was barely moving at all anymore. The same was true of the male pavise knight and the remaining passengers, whose movements had all become infinitesimal and minute. Looking straight up, a bird that had been flying overhead was stopped mid-flight. With a clear view of the street ahead of him, other disturbances become apparent. The surrounding area was emptied of pedestrians and loiterers as before, but everything seemed much more [i]cramped[/i]. Only the space immediately around Donny himself seemed to be in order - beyond a few feet, the wall of the adjacent building scrunched up and shrank to only a foot in width, and he could abruptly see a short distance around the corner - at a flat ninety-degree angle. The street itself had similarly shortened, and the next intersection down (previously more than twenty meters away) was suddenly only a game of hopskotch away from him - as was that intersection's traffic sphere. As with everything else, it too appeared to be affected by the strange time dilation. It was evident, given that it was crackling fiercely with curiously slow-moving, streaming ribbons of arcing light - and that it had just fired a bolt of lightning at him. A bolt of lightning moving at a snail's pace. Looking closely, he could see the branching, tenuous, [i]blinding[/i] phantoms of light course through the air, piercing through space in countless fractal spines - all scattered haphazardly outward from the surface of the sphere, but all pointedly converging in his direction. There was a side alley within spitting distance, across the street, and from within Donny both heard and felt the only source of motion seemingly unaffected by the time dilation. The relative proportions of the alley were remarkably preserved considered how contorted the rest of the world had become - it was dark, cast in a fair amount of shade from the morning sun. The wooden buildings to either of the alley's sides had significantly run-down side panels therein, all rotten and with peeling or else entirely absent caulking - and there was a closed, square-shaped sewer hatch planted dead center in the middle of the narrow, grimy path. Further yet, the remainder of the alley was crunched back into the contorted space otherwise surrounding him, and turned a corner - which Donny could yet again somehow see right around perfectly - which led to a dead-end with a heavy-set wooden door with dark iron fittings set atop a short two-step staircase. He could audibly hear an active, [i]angry[/i], seething noise. Like a marching stream of army ants devouring everything in their path in the jungle - emanating from seemingly every corner of the small patch of undistorted space within the alley. If he focused hard enough, he might even have heard what resembled semi-coherent words, and laughter. "-Get back here!" Hiecro shouted after Donny as he turned the corner and vanished from sight. "Godsdamnit." She hissed, slamming on the ground with her free hand and starting to get back up once more. [quote=@PlatinumSkink]And here’s a reminder that the Redirection Orb is not invisible, it’s fairly visible due to just slightly distorted light in the area of the orb, though it could still be clearly seen through. It was just currently surrounding the knight, pretty obvious something was being done there.[/quote] [@PlatinumSkink] Overheard, a bird that had been in flight appeared to have frozen in midair - though it was innocuous and unlikely to be noticed unless any of the passengers looked straight up. And here's a reminder that there are a countless number of ways to describe transient or otherwise ephemeral effects and phenomenon, some of which may be delivered in a fashion that is extremely immersion breaking and likely to have supplanted a more artful explanation. It was just that there were other various nuanced effects in the surrounding environs that were pretty obvious and immediately apparent to the passengers, but which the narrator was disinclined to explain in the moment by taking advantage of precedent established by another poster. Abruptly, Amelie's redirection orb vanished, and she felt her own innate affinity with her spatial magics go haywire - her senses pinwheeling like a compass trying to find true north in a lodestone mine. As if distinctions such as direction and distance had suddenly lost all meaning and were illusory, and that the whole of the world was rushing in to collapse upon her all at once and as though the land was rising up to meet the sky with all the horizon about to be swallowed whole by finely honed ivory talons.