[center][h2]~| The Jedi Temple on Coruscant |~ ~| Day 1, 11[sup]th[/sup] hour |~[/h2] [u][h3]Temple Entrance, Zanna.[/h3][/u][/center] [hr] Zanna carefully stepped through the bodies and rubble, looking about in mild disgust. "Such waste. Would have been much better to force surrender." She sighed as she checked the alchemical substances hidden on her body, making sure that they were secured. It wouldn't do to have them spill free and spray about wildly. She wouldn't be able to make anymore for a while. A very short while, if everything went as she hoped, but nothing was certain in the political world of the sith. "Might as well get this over with. Couldn't just stay on the ship, no. I had to go down here and capture some Jedi. Could've spent so much time making proper substances for the interrogations. But the Darth insisted that everyone goes down here and capture various subjects." Zanna complained quietly to herself, heading towards the quieter areas of the temple. The Jedi that were least likely to put up a fight would be avoiding the actual conflict itself. Which served her purposes nicely, and had the added bonus of making sure she didn't run into any brutes like Sish. Zanna's lip curled at the thought of the Trandoshan Lord. She moved more quickly towards the hallway, heading towards the emptiness of the halls. She hadn't gotten far before she found her first survivor. A Temple Guard, unfortunately. The man was injured, breathing rapidly and irregularly as he held a wound in his side. Fear and panic rolled off of him in waves, increasing drastically as he saw Zanna. He lifted his blaster and fired wild shots at her in desperation. They all missed, some wildly, but Zanna flinched away in fear nonetheless. Adrenaline rushed through her and she automatically lashed out with lightning, pinning the man to the wall. She held him there for a few moments, dropping him as the adrenaline faded away. She made a faint face of disgust as the smell of charred flesh reached her. "Disgusting." [center][h2]~| The Jedi Temple on Coruscant |~ ~| Day 1, 11[sup]th[/sup] hour |~[/h2] [u][h3]Temple Archives, Nazca[/h3][/u][/center] [hr] [@Ellri] Nazca idly wandered the halls of the temple, whistling to herself. It wasn't like she had anything better to do. Her boring youngling classes were over and the only people who would play pazaak with her were nowhere to be found. Her eyes settled on an approaching temple guard. They usually had something interesting stashed in their pockets or along their belts. Not like the jedi all around them. She continued to idly walk along, looking up at the ceiling above her. As the guard passed her by, she gently brushed by him, hand going for whatever happened to be in his pocket. An unseen force grabbed her and rather sternly pushed her away from the temple guard. She gave an annoyed sigh, turning around to see the jedi that was tasked to follow her. They didn't trust her not to cause trouble after the first few times people's things went missing. Nazca eyed her follower balefully. "You could at least play pazaak with me. It'd help with the boredom." He merely shook his head, disapproval radiating off of him. "Schutta." She muttered under her breath, earning an even sterner look. She began to whistle as she walked on, looking for something to entertain herself. She hadn't gotten a few steps before a muffled boom shook the temple. Everyone paused, then rushed towards the source of it, dozens of lightsabers being drawn in an instant. Her follower glanced at her for only a moment, saying, "Stay here." Before running off with the rest of them. Nazca stared after him for a moment longer, then snorted. "Yeah, like I'm going to stay around while the temple is exploding." She ran in the opposite direction, moving surely through the temple. She hadn't been here long, but she had memorized most of it's layout. It wasn't all that different from Nar Shadda, in terms of confusing twists and turns. She began to hurry as the unmistakeable sounds of fighting began to echo through the halls. [i]That can't be good.[/i] She made a brief stop at a secluded alcove along the way. Reaching behind the statue (some dead jedi. She didn't know who.), she pulled out a blaster and grinned. It was the last thing she had managed to get before they stuck her follower onto her, and it looked like it would be coming in handy fairly soon. She glanced around the corner of the alcove, making sure there wasn't any Sith (that would be the only faction with the guts to attack the jedi temple like this) around, before heading out again. It didn't take her long to reach her destination; The Archives. Secluded, defensive, and likely low on the priority list for most attackers. Perfect for her needs. Unfortunately, as she made her way into the archives, someone was already there. Someone who wasn't supposed to be, judging from the hissing sounds of a lightsaber slowly cutting through something. Nazca slowed her approach, almost unconsciously sinking into a quiet crouch as she moved forward towards the sound. Her pulse began to pound and she gripped the blaster tighter as she rounded the corner and saw the sith, red lightsaber and all. Cantox's words sprang unbidden to her mind. [i]The first rule of hit and run warfare; Always shoot them in the back if you can.[/i] Nazca smiled slightly, before aiming the blaster at the Sith's back. [i]This is going to take several shots...why didn't I take him up on his offer of shooting lessons? Light side of the Force or what the hell ever, please let this hit.[/i] With that prayer sent away, Nazca fired at the sith, loosing several blasts in short succession.