[@Terminal] [i]Donny paused out of sight as he witnessed time and space dilate. It was pretty trippy. Donny then realized that a bolt of lightning had been fired in his direction, but was hilariously slow. For now, at least. Donny had really only been intending to apply cyanide to every weapon he held which could fit through a visor, but under the new circumstances, he supposed that he had time to take a whiz. He unzipped his fly and began peeing against the wall, simultaneously wondering if his rubber soled shoes would prevent him from getting fried if time sped up. He was no scientist, but he had a few ideas of how things worked around here. Then, inspiration struck. He stopped pissing long enough to haul out his retractable golf club. With the push of a button and a flick of the wrist, it extended and locked into its full size. Donny then resumed draining ol' Nessie, only this time he whizzed all over the golf club. Once he had finished, he pulled off his left shoe and inserted the head of the club into it. He laced it up tighter than a California whore. Feeling very much like his childhood hero, Macgyver, Donny extracted the wire reel from his watch and bound one end through the ring loop at the base of the club. Juggling the equipment in his arms, he slipped his ballistic knife out and removed the blade to tie the other end of the wire around the indented part meant to keep it locked inside the hilt. Donny moved to the very corner that he had come from and propped the club upright, so that it was in view of both the stop light orb and Hiecro. He glanced back and noted the lightning was still coming closer. Donny slipped around the corner and out of sight of the lightning and orb, in view of the others, an assumedly safe position, and waited for any signs that time was about to speed up again.[/i]