As Urgrugg turned the corner, he was met with a cascade of surprises. First, he discovered that what he'd been tracking was a space marine, but in very unusual looking armor. He had basically nothing by way of knowledge about the various chapters, so the symbols and color of the armor told him nothing at all. The second surprise was a very sudden and very bright light turning on and shining directly into his eyes. Accustomed as he was to the dark of the hulk, this blinded the ork, causing him to real back. Finally, he heard something that sounded like gunfire, but of a magnitude he'd never encountered. When the first bolter round struck his chest, it hit him hard. The marine had aimed for the ork's center of mass, which was by no means a small target, and true to form he'd hit his mark. Luckily for Urgrugg, though, the marine had aimed at the one spot on his body with any sort of protection on it. As the rounds slammed into his chest, they left deep dents in the thick armor plate wrapped around his torso. Alone, that would have been enough to knock him down. The explosions that followed each hit threw him backwards, making him land about a foot back. Once he felt himself on the ground, the ork quickly rolled to one side, putting a large chunk of hull between himself and the armored marine. Looking around, he saw the mist that told him his newest 'ally' was more worried about running than making a counter attack. Though, when Urgrugg heard another set of armored footsteps approach, accompanied by further firepower and a battle cry, he quickly decided engaging might not be the best idea after all. If nothing else, there was no telling how many allies the marines had coming, and more than likely it was several. Taking a moment to concentrate, Urgrugg quickly opened his mind to his surroundings. As he expected, there was a significant number of life forms headed their way, and coming from behind the marines. He couldn't tell how many, or even really how far away they were beyond 'behind the two marines.' However, he was only able to tell that much because of the stark contrast between the two warriors and what was coming from behind them. Urgrugg realized quite quickly, the things coming were not there to aid the marines. If anything, they were coming to feast on the bodies of the old battle field. That, and everything else in the large room. Gritting his teeth, the ork made a decision. If he was going to make it off this hulk, he would need allies. As had just been proven, his current company would be no help in a fight. That meant making nice with things that would. As he let out a ragged cough, heavily laced with blood, Urgrugg knew that he had found just such a potential ally. Once more, Urgrugg reached out to the warp. Gathering energy, he felt the loose fabric of his clothes begin to flutter with the sounds of wind coming from seemingly nowhere. His eyes crackling with raw power, he stood, forming the energy he had drawn out into a ball of flame, which floated in his open palm. He waited for just a moment, chanting a spell to contain the powerful sphere he held in his hand, until he heard what he'd been waiting for. As the door behind the marines opened, and a dozen or so mutants began charging in behind them with weapons draw, the ork stepped back out of cover. Throwing his hand out, he willed the flaming sphere forward. Shooting past the marines, it slammed against the chest of the lead mutant. When it struck it erupted, turning into a massive ball of swirling fire. The hungry warp flame grabbed at every bit of exposed skin, latched tightly to each and every piece of cloth and hair, eating away any unprotected source of fuel for its immense heat. When the flame finally cleared, there were maybe four of the original dozen of mutants left. Each was badly burned, and the bodies of their allies laid around them, smoldering on the ground. The four that were left, though, were larger than the others. Each had at least one extra limb, and growths that looked like insect chitin covered small patches of their bodies. All four wielded some large tool, such as a sledge hammer or a shovel. From the looks of things, they were all still ready to fight.