Ursaren was appalled at this man. He was seen scavenging off the corpse of a little girl, and even though the old man had his trident stained with blood, the cloaked figure was in the wrong. Even if he was wrong, Ursaren lowered his trident to the feet of the man in front of the group, still keeping his shield up. [b]"It's bloodied from mercy. If you don't want to believe me, check the alleys behind us. You'll find a dog with it's intestines spilled out in front of it."[/b] The same gruff voice came from the old man, and it took him a second but he recognized the Banian accent from the cloaked figure. Despite the slight sense of trust from the accent, the elder did not lower his shield at all. He wasn't going to let his guard down in the slightest, but his voice did ease up from being so rugged. [b]"You've spent a lot of time in Bania... I have too. What did you do there...?"[/b] This was the next question posed to the cloaked figure from Ursaren. He had been in Bania for a bit more than a decade, and he wondered if this man was ever in Bania when Ursaren was.