[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/D2QEgN1.png[/img][/center] For a moment the Gerudo stared as her blood seeped from the wound and floated away into the darkness. A decrepit voice tore through her focus. [i]More[/i], it wanted. More blood? But the others did not seem to hear, not with Lethe falling into the depths and the skullkid laughing her face off. Naviela frowned, but otherwise did not react to the fall. Not while knowing that she only needed to reform her wings to get out alive again. No, there was no worry to be found within her - but, before Navi could once again cut herself on the arrowhead the skullkid already snatched it out of her hands. That one was far too eager to prance about and take freedoms not given to her. But [i]then[/i] she accidentally cut Zeph and his blood flowed away into the darkness, similarly to her own. Again the voice recoiled across the cavern walls. ...it seemed annoyed to have to repeat itself? Which was strange, because it suggested a certain sense of sentience. "[color=f7941d]More blood for a sacrifice?[/color]" Navi mumbled out, but Zeph was already on the case. With the trace of his edge the wound increased in intensity and the blood flowed richly. It surprised the Gerudo how eager the man had been with his offering. It already weakened him, made him less strong than others. And he did not know the people around him. Why did he have so much faith in them?