Hello dear reader, So, to start off I have to explain a bit about myself. Currently I have been going through a bit of rut/funk/inner-kerfuffle. I am hoping that a casual, fun 1x1 roleplay will help me break the wall I have been staring at for the longest time. So full disclosure my introductory RP post may take a little time for me to formulate and make. I hope you will work with me while I am trying to get past this current struggle. So if you are still with me and willing to work with me here is what I am kind of looking for. Genre wise I am open to just about everything excluding horror or abuse. Just not really my thing. So if you want to drop me a PM we can plot point and come up with something together. All I ask of you is be able to at least write a well formulated paragraph. Grammar isn't a huge deal breaker as long as I can understand what you are saying; I don't want to play Sherlock to understand what you're trying to portray. [center][h3][b][color=9e0b0f]Currently craving: {MODERN // SLICE OF LIFE}[/color][/b][/h3][/center]