With the first of his questions answered, he wanted to see for himself. With his food and drink finished, all that had been left to do was pay his tab. Andrew had enough to last him a while, but he knew if he was going to spend time here for any amount of time he'd need something leftover. He was still a bit stressed out from the event from earlier, and his head ached a bit. Eventually the alcohol would hit his system and he'd feel better. He'd eaten something, so his stomach had stopped hurting. Now he just wanted to do a bit of climbing to ease his mind. "We can walk and talk, I want some fresh air. I'll be outside when you're done." Andrew stood up to go pay his tab, and didn't wait for Gideon to answer. If Gideon hadn't finished his food by now, this would be his cue to do so. Andrew went to go pay his tab, checking around him to see if someone followed him. After all, plenty of people stared at him as he walked in and found a seat. Andrew's hands shook less, and he was able to walk steadily. He made it to the bar, sharply exhaling as money exchanged hands. After putting his wallet away, he put a hand on his hip for just a moment before letting his arm rest at his side. Making his way for the door, he glanced over at the table where he had been sitting with Owl.