[i]“I suppose Common is beyond your grasp...” [/i] As closely played to heart as its reaction truly was, the pantherine creature responded all the same with a low, snarled huff; each ear drew back in slight, letting the jaws quiver with underlying displeasure. The predominantly non-verbal rebuke did not last long however, being no more than a tense second as it otherwise turned in head to acknowledge the presence of the grim woman who seemed to understand it. Warily it looked her over, not to size her up as a threat, but more so to understand whatever relation she had to the rest of them. Whatever connection there was, it was unclear at this moment, but she [i]did[/i] know the root of its being here. Withdrawing a step, settling the bristled fur upon it narrowly mane crested shoulders to rest, it relaxed only some. It postured defensively, but made it clear it had greater intentions of understanding their presence than it did prior. They were not welcome, but thus far they hadn't been untruthful and they were forthcoming as it could have hoped. There was some promise yet that they were to be of use against whoever had put these events into motion. [i]"Harn wos e'th nor? Wuth e'th ken ein?"[/i] The left most corner of the beast's jowls that rest upon an elongated, deathly fang curled slightly at the scaled one's remarks, unsure of the sincerity that he spoke with. There came a delay a moment after, where it drew back its tremendous head some and narrowed its animal glare; its mind away in thought. When it returned, it raised a brow and almost seemed to smile a predatory smile. After all, this "Caerziros Drajhan" and his accompanying entourage seemed to have a score to settle with these now most dead men and their diabolical ends. [i]"In suth..."[/i] The change of its demeanor spoke volumes more than the words its hungering jaws did, suggesting that just perhaps, it understood in part what they meant beyond the spoken as well. [hider=Translation] [i]Druidic "Then why is it gone? What is it they did?" "I see..."[/i] [/hider] [@Ermine][@JBRam2002][@Landaus Five-One][@Ms Ravenwinter][@Big Dread]