Sharp and serious eyes scanned the tree line as the final breaths of their foes ended. They had come this far only to be shuffled off to the clearing at the end of the path. Well, good damned riddance. Harriet stood down and wrenched her dagger from the forehead of the last man she had killed. He looked to be about her age, actually. Just some duped punk who wanted to try to find a way around death. Well, Harriet didn't exactly know what they were doing, but, the damned swarm of ravens certainly made it clear that Big Miss Reaper had her eye on them. Yet again, not something Harriet really knew. However, the pillow talk with a death worshiping elf did have a tenancy to stick in the gunslinger's mind. The second thing that hard eyes fell on was the spot where the weird portal thing had stood. Harriet had seen some crazy things in her still short life, but, that was something new and worth remembering. The thing had gone up like a magical powder keg. Right after the thing had properly flared up she remembered checking her limbs to see if they were still attached to her body. Apparently though, magical powder kegs didn't exactly have the same oomph that proper ones had. She was about to start looting and maybe cracking a joke or two about that fella who had snuck up on Miss Bow'n'Bust, but, something else needed her attention. A huge damned talking cat. Harriet stepped over a few corpses, eyes locked on the talking cat who had mainly been speaking with Draj. Draj had taken a good one to his side and she noted the blood. He was an odd sort. Most mage types shot sparkly stuff from a ways off, not her little Draj though, he was all balls and magical swords. She liked that about him, but, he often got whacked good. Her path took her just to the dragonborn's ;eft and slightly ahead of him. She gave him room to draw that blade of his if it needed to be, but, she didn't think it would be needed. She spread her stance as she reached her destination, hips cocked to the right and feet planted in a solid A-Frame. She rested right hand on the grip of Leadblessing, shoulders squaring off with the massive head of the lion. Her left hand rolled the hilt of her long dagger into a reverse grip and she shot the talking cat a smirk. She suppressed the pain she felt from doing that. The left side of her face was already starting to turn reddish from the one very hot magical sparkly thing that had found its mark on her. "Now, my da' always told me somethin' 'bout talkin' animals. They's either somethin' else pretendin' to be one and can understand ya. That, or, they's a magical type'o'animal that's cle'er 'nuff to speak with ya plain." Harriet's tone was amiable and light. The lion-thing had relaxed and seemed to be understanding them just fine, which is what Harriet expected. The 'gut' told her this talking-lion was probably more of an ally than a foe. Maybe a little confused. Hell, she was pretty confused too. Maybe this forest dweller could shed some light on the situation. "Now, we didn't mean to break yer, uhhh, thing, but, it done got broke. Draj 'ere is pretty 'andy with spells and the like. Little Dark and Gloomy back t'ere has magical know-how as well. What 'bout you? Care t'help us sort all this out?" she cocked a thin brow over her brown eye before nodding to him for a response, hopefully in something aside from growly-yarky-wood-talk. "Now, can we talk purrty like normal folk, or, does ole Harriet 'ere 'ave to start doin' shadow puppets?"