[h2]Future Century[/h2] The units attacked quickly and mechanically working in tandem and ignoring does that fell before it. They were cold precise and unfeeling working on their given tasks on making sure on finding this "king of hearts" that they were programmed to find as he was declared the strongest fighter in the universe given the designation "Future Century". The suit they were facing was carrying strong resemblance to a suit once used by this fighter. Seeing this the suits in mechanical fashion began overwhelming the fighter with their multiplying numbers to where the fight was hard pressed to keep up. It wasn't long when things was looking bleak that a loud male voice called with a diving kick in the center of the group of enemies "I'm over here" Revealing the Burning gundam in its glory. [h2]After Colony[/h2] Alice cursed to herself as more of the frog suits came after her. Seeing as the chopper type weapon was her best bet she dove into the fray using the chopper aiming at disarming the joints of the suits making it where they couldn't attack her. It was going well till the normal frog suits was joined by twin suits more heavily armed than the other counterparts. They had large boosters attached to the back their chest was more broad their heads had spikes upon the top probably to signify commander status. One was carrying a large axe with a mace type ball on top. The other a more standard chopper with a larger blade lacking the hammer part that her stolen one had. Cutting the arms of one frog unit she kicked it at the two new units knocking them unbalanced. With the hammer part of her chopper she charged forward landing a solid blow on arm of the axe wielding unit. Grabbing the now stunned unit Alice grabbed let go of the chopper and gripped the handle of her beam scythe sure it had no effect but it was going to be used somewhat differently than what planned. Jamming the butt end of the deactivated scythe into the exposed joint she twisted the handle making sure it was tight in the arm before spinning around using the suit to knock back the others. Seeing as one of the main units was deactivated she grabbed the axe it once held giving it a few test swings at the close by suits. It wasn't long before as if systematically signaled by the defeat of one of the commanders the other suits began exploding knocking her out. When she came to she was somewhere in space probably knocked away by the explosion since she was seeing a lack of debris. Before a loud signal was received a ship one in distress it seemed. A goal in mind she headed out towards the source of the distress signal.