Right, GM Hat on, along with the Responsibility Scarf and, if it weren't for the encumbrance penalties associated with it, I'd likely be wearing the +3 Full Plate Of Resolve. As it is, I've got my pyjamas on, and while they offer relatively little protection, they are warm and fuzzy, and so that probably translates as some kind of resistance to cold at least. I am not sure whether or not I can carry on running a game at the moment. I'm not going to offer excuses for this; I've managed to bite off more than I can chew, and I have struggled with the responsibility of it, to the point where I have been too nervous to actually look at this thread for days on end. This is [i]entirely[/i] my fault; it turns out I don't have a particularly well thought out coping strategy for this sort of thing, and so fell back on my usual "[i]hide away and hope for the best[/i]" which, unsurprisingly, just made it worse. I don't know when this phase of anxiety is going to pass, and although I would like to try and resurrect this game at that point, it's not right for me to ask for people to wait an unspecified amount of time for something that may not even happen. It's time to put the GM Hat and replace it with the Fuzzy Bear Hat Of Keeping My Head Warm, I'd like to say how thankful I am to you all - you are all wonderful players. You've been creative, you've been funny. You've surprised me, entertained me and made me laugh. I could not have asked for a better crew of players, and anyone else on the site brave enough to don the GM Hat should probably start trying to poach you for their own games. I'm going to put the GM Hat down now for a while, have a cup of tea, and try to breathe.