[@Sho Minazuki][@floodtalon] A lesser hunter would have been torn to shreds immediately by the assaults, as evidenced by their quick dispatch of the angels. Such creatures were powerful, very fast, and twitchy enough that their movements were not readily predictable. It was just for creatures such as these that Akoni had developed his Tortoise Shell defense and the technique performed its duty perfectly. The old mage kept a calm, level head during the entire encounter and as such most of the demons died without him having to even move. Even as the chimera-infested assault attempted to attack him from above, the old man clenched his fist and morphed Lammasu into a long wrist-mounted blade. Before he could counter-attack though, the creature was set upon by a hailfire (almost literally!) of bullets from Henry. With that all the demons had been killed, with minimal effort on their part. With a grunt and a crinkled brow, Akoni dismissed his gates and sent the Stygian Ortiz back to the far reaches of the cosmos from whence they came. With a single nod of acknowledgement for the young half-breed, Akoni stepped over to one of the fallen angels, whichever appeared to be their squad leader. Kneeling down and without even the slightest hesitation, Akoni plunged the blade fashioned from Lammasu into the angel's chest. With a few extra slices and a little carving, he had successfully opened the holy being's chest cavity and severed the heart. With the angel's heart in hand, he stored it away in a small extra-dimensional pocket, then cast a cantrip to clean off the blood from his body. Straightening up, Akoni turned to look back at Henry. [color=dodgerblue]"That skirmish took too much time, and now we have a path to follow. Grab my hand and we'll move much faster with my Gatewalker magic."[/color] He held his hand out for Henry to take, and if the kid did so, would take them both along the path as quickly as he could, utilizing his Surge technique.