[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s30.postimg.org/8uoso7135/virginia.gif[/img][hr][color=9999ff]Location:[/color] Crypt Townhouse; near the Strand, London[/center][hr][hr]The carriage deposited Virginia at the Crypt Townhouse, a dear family home that had also been the place of her birth. Virginia smiled wistfully as she stepped down from the carriage, and a second before she reached the front door, it opened for her. Alfred nodded at her, and she replied with a nod in turn, stepping inside the dwelling, and within the next moment, the door shut behind her with a soft click. However, it wasn't long before she spotted a pair of mischievous eyes from the top of the staircase. James, her youngest and only brother, came sliding down the bannister, taking a little bow as he joined Alfred and Virginia at the bottom. He was dressed in a loose white cotton shirt and beige trousers, with a foil grasped in his hand. [color=9999ff]"Has Alfred been instructing you in the noble art of fencing, James?"[/color] Virginia asked, smirking ever so slightly. "He's got his father's blood in him, my lady," Alfred responded, as James stabbed at the air clumsily. "He'll be a right 'n proper swordsman, just you see." There was a bit of a twinkle in the elderly man's eye. It was no great secret that Alfred considered himself to be a father of sorts to Virginia and James. But at the same time, with the mention of Lord Dywell, the air took a certain heaviness to it. "Is father coming back?" James asked, ceasing with his antics for a moment. Virginia braced herself, and then sat herself next to James on the stairs. [color=9999ff]"Of course he shall. Do not forget, dear James, our family creed: we will survive! Poison us, strangle us, break our bones and we will come back for more."[/color] She ruffled his hair gently, and James perked up, resuming his antics. Virginia ducked slightly to avoid the tip of his sword, and then rose to her feet. [color=9999ff]"Now you are to remain here with Alfred tonight,"[/color] Virginia instructed. [color=9999ff]"The Soulless are at hand and you are too young to face them, James."[/color] The boy pouted, and Virginia chuckled ever so slightly. [color=9999ff]"Soon, I shall send for you to be trained--but tonight, enjoy a reprieve from the disgusting events of the Season. And I shall tell you all of the tragedy that will occur tonight, I promise."[/color] Being a Crypt, those words had their intended impact--James cheered up significantly. Alfred, however, frowned grimly at Virginia. He was not as enchanted by the afterlife as she. "Do be careful, my lady," Alfred asked. And Virginia nodded, smiling at him coyly. [color=9999ff]"Whenever am I not, dear Alfred?"[/color]