Draj held a claw to his cheek, more shocked than hurt that someone dare strike him, especially a purported ally. "My dear madam," he responded, his voice lowering to a growl and his eyes narrowing, "I require the respect of but one Lady when I pass, and with all respect due back to you, She is not you. Pray stay your hand before it becomes offered to my Patron and the Raven Queen." Drajhan's face suddenly softened, a smile gracing his maw. "But we are not enemies here. We fought on the same side, and so we should work together. My knowledge lies in the Arcane, not in natural things. If you would strike a child for not knowing the name of this Gate, or of what power it held, then the fault lays not with the child." The physical assault combined with the young ranger's obtuse refusal to listen to reason were beginning to annoy Drajhan. "I have no interest in speaking more on this subject, Angela. Perhaps we can talk about it again when we reach someplace less tainted by fiends." The draconian stepped back from the great kitten before him and leaned once more against the blood-stained tree. "If what you say is true, Harriet, then I do believe this beast is toying with us. Please, Great Cat, reveal your true self and speak plainly. Are you a god sent to watch this Gate? Or perhaps a man with a fondness for felines? We mean you no harm, and you may have the power to shed light on this situation."