Incoming "probably doing the wrong thing but fuck it life is full of adventures" sign up [hider=Lucas Miller] [center][h1][b][color=PaleGoldenrod]Lucas Miller[/color][/b][/h1] [img][/img][hr][hr] [h2][color=PaleGoldenrod]⦋ [b]20[/b] || [b]American[/b] || [b]Male[/b] ⦌[/color][/h2] [youtube][/youtube][/center] [h3][b]APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY[/b][/h3][hr] [indent] [u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u] [indent][color=PaleGoldenrod]Lucas is very slim and unassuming, a slight babyface adding to his overall innocent appearance. Generally Lucas isn't overly fluid in his movements and is often clumsy and awkward when waiting around or even talking to others. Accentuating his unimposing frame Lucas will generally wear a baggy shirt of mostly tie dye and printed on patterns, Lucas also wears a pair of black tights held in place by being tucked into his black boots and kneepads (one perpetually falling to his shin). For added safety Lucas also sports a pair of elbow pads and some white sports tape on his hands[/color][/indent] [u][b]PERSONALITY TRAITS [/b][/u] [indent][color=PaleGoldenrod]-Cowardly -Shy -Kind -Paranoid -Insecure[/color][/indent] [u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u] [indent][color=PaleGoldenrod]Lucas was the only child of "Showtime!" Perry Miller, a popular and beloved Ultimate Fighter, popular and beloved due to the fact that he would take ungodly amounts of punishment from his opponents and never won a bout, yet his continued perseverance endeared him to the crowd, or they just really enjoyed seeing him get pummeled. When eventually forced to retire Perry had high hopes for his young son, seeking to teach Lucas from childhood and mold him into the perfect fighter. Sadly for Perry, physical ineptitude seemed to run in the family as Lucas was only slightly better than his father. Despite this Perry was determined to see his son become the greatest fighter in the world and enrolled him in many different tournaments throughout Lucas' teenage years, Lucas never made it past any of the provisional rounds. However on one fateful day Lucas was invited to partake in a tournament of some of the best local fighters, purely as a joke of course, but Perry saw this as a sign and dragged his frightened child kicking and screaming to the gymnasium. As a sort of "exhibition" Lucas was put in the first match against the previous tourney winner, after a good few minutes of working the crowd Lucas' opponent began advancing, terrified and not thinking clearly Lucas began running, straight ahead. Ignoring a wet floor sign a random crowd member had knocked over, Lucas slipped on a small puddle of water, sending him flying upwards and knocking his foe out cold with a kick to his jaw. Perry apparently sprinted around the gymnasium several times in celebration. Since that fateful day Lucas has been forced into becoming a fighter now more than ever, with Lucas' father believing him to possess an untapped fighting skill he never had. Lucas has been pushed against his will into becoming a nomad at the behest of his father, despite the fact that his son is quite plainly terrified of every fighter he comes across and possess seemingly no affinity for the martial arts he is "taught" on his travels. Despite this Perry won't let him come home until he's the "Greatest Fighter in the Universe" so Lucas reluctantly carries on his travels.[/color][/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][u][b]FIGHTING STYLE [/b][/u] [indent][color=PaleGoldenrod]When Lucas sums up the courage to actually fight his "style" can best be described as a small child on crack, in sheer fear throwing every maneuver and attack that he can remember at that point. Because of this and his ever present terror of his opponents, his attacks do little, if any, damage. The one positive about Lucas' fighting style is that it's quite literally so random it's impossible for anyone to really know what he's going to throw next, there is also the chance that a fighter with a more patient mindset may find his attempts amusing or sympathetic. Deep down Lucas does have some degree of ki. Which manifests itself in Lucas being able to take even [i]more[/i] of a beating than usual (sadly for him) and throwing out small bursts of raw energy from his steadfast determination and pure heart. Like most of his arsenal though, he has no real knowledge of ki and how to utilize it so it is nowhere near as effective as most.[/color][/indent][/indent] [u][b]SPECIAL MOVES & TECHNIQUES [/b][/u] [indent][u]■ Twirling Overhead "What-The-Fuck-Was-That?"[/u] [indent][color=PaleGoldenrod]Attempting to add some "oomf" too his strike, Lucas does a twirl before throwing a punch, over-rotating with too much momentum in the strike sending him crashing forward and sending the heel of his foot into the face of an opponent[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Cowerball[/u] [indent][color=PaleGoldenrod]Lucas throws himself towards the opponent and at the last second has a change of heart, cowering into a terrified ball that crashes into the opponent[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Playing Possum[/u] [indent][color=PaleGoldenrod]Lucas collapses to the ground and as an opponent nears he suddenly moves with a burst of speed, rolling below an opponent and giving him the opportunity to attack[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Fire...ball?[/u] [indent][color=PaleGoldenrod]Utilizing raw ki, Lucas lets forth his power through a blue fireball! That travels a small distance and withers away after a few seconds... Still, it's good for creating a distraction.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Flashman's Sight Stopper[/u] [indent][color=PaleGoldenrod]Lucas simply uses a small amount of ki to create a light flash from his hand, temporarily blinding his opponent. A technique so basic few think to use it.[/color][/indent][/indent] [u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u] [indent] [u]■ A Whole Lotta Nuthin'[/u] [indent][color=PaleGoldenrod]Lucas in desperation begins shooting his weak fireballs in quick succession, creating a continuous pelting blast as they fly into his opponent. The same rules still apply however as his fireballs don't travel very long so he must get in close to mid range to use it.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ The Fighter In Us All[/u] [indent][color=PaleGoldenrod]If suitably enraged (no small feat) Lucas actually taps into any ki he can find in himself and unleashes his inner fury, becoming a lightning fast striker, throwing as many punches as he possibly can at high speed and finishing with a devastating jumping uppercut. Due to the nature of this ability however Lucas has never performed it due to his lack of confidence and abundance of fear[/color][/indent][/indent] [u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u] [indent][color=PaleGoldenrod]Where to start? Lucas has weak offense at both close and long range as well as a pathetic build and demeanor that means no one really takes him seriously either. His only strengths are being somewhat agile and being able to take a beating. In just about every other aspect, Lucas falls short[/color][/indent] [h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][indent][color=PaleGoldenrod]-Lucas has been banned from the Neogaf forums three times -Lucas enjoys comics and dressed as Rorschach from Watchmen for a Halloween. High School kids pulled his mask over his eyes and took his candy, and his bike. -He is extremely good at video games. Even fighting games, ironically enough.[/color][/indent][/indent] [/hider]