Just a few basics before we begin. I request all my partners be 18+ just in case any mature stuff happens, whether it's violence and gore or otherwise. I usually try match my partner in post length but have a bare minimum of at least two paragraphs. For this particular RP I'm happy to take either role. --- Character A has the power to control time itself. They can slow it down, speed it up or stop it all together, albeit only for small periods as it becomes exhausting. It seems everyone around them is oblivious to what they are capable of. All seems fine until one day, not looking where they are going, they accidentally walk into someone. Not perturbed, they reverse time and this time avoid doing so, but realise the person they walked into never shows up. The next day Character A sees the person who they bumped into and talks to them. It's revealed Character B has the power to manipulate space, allowing them to travel anywhere in an instant if they choose, though the further they go the longer it takes to recover before they can use this again. The pair realise their powers are two halves of the same whole and by working together they could achieve anything they desired. --- This Roleplay could go in any number of ways once they team up, depending on personal preference, whether it be to use their powers for 'good' or 'evil' and anything in between. If this sounds interesting to you then please send me a message and we can forge a more substantial plot ^^