Well, heres a character, hopefully it works for the most part. [hider=Lynnette(Lynn) Alwin] [b]NAME[/b] – Lynnette (Lynn) Alwin [b]AGE[/b] – 29 [b]ALIGNMENT[/b] – Anti-hero\Chaotic Neutral [b]APPEARANCE[/b] – [url=http://imgur.com/a/3fvgG]Inspiration images[/url] Lynn is a young woman with a somewhat pale ashen skin tone. Her hair is short, black and slightly unkempt often appearing slightly matted and haphazardly cut, with a slight moisture from the humid swamp air which she resides. The young woman's eyes are a greenish hazel which often have darker rings below them. She has a fairly thin build with an ever so slightly slouched posture, and an unassuming bust and hips which with her choice of clothing could be hardly noticeable as feminine. Finally, she is about half a head shorter than the average woman her age. Lynnette's clothing consists of a heavy black cloak with a tall collar hung from her shoulders, showing notable wear near the bottom and surprisingly well done stitching around seams and areas which have been repaired. Below her robe Lynn wears a pair of well worn leather boots in a plain brown color, designed to repel water and seal tight at the calves. Her pants are of a similar make, worn tucked into her boots and held tightly to her waist with a black belt. For her top she wears a plain white collared shirt beneath a light leather vest, both of which are most often tucked into her pants. Around her wrists she wears leather cuffs to keep her sleeves closed to her wrists. Lynn often has several pouches for gathering or holding various materials strapped to her belt, one of which always contains a thick pair of gloves for handling poisonous plants. Along with these she carries a utility knife and most importantly, a gnarled staff made of strong wood with runes carved into the twisting wood near the top, and a large gem fixed firmly at the tip. Another notable 'possession' Lynn could often be seen with is a familiar of hers, a white and brown owl which she has named Morgan. Finally, her most notable piece of clothing would be the wide brimmed witches cap she wears atop her head. The brim of the hat appears sturdy with a gold hem along the inner and outer most edges. The outer edge however shows some knicks and burns. The 'tower' portion of her cap extends upward a bit, showing several patches and quite a few lines of stitching similar to those on her cloak. From the tip of her hat hangs an old looking brass lantern which causes it to hang down just above the brim. [b]STYLE[/b] – Lynnette is a witch and thus a magic fighter through and through. Her main field of study has been the darker side of the worlds celestial magics with a more flexible form of chaos magic studied along side. [b]TECHNIQUES[/b] – [u]Witch-Craft(celestial):[/u] Her forte within this set of magic is the art of possession and the use of toxins or plague. Through her life Lynn has become well accustomed to using a method of possession on the various beasts of the swamp to turn them into an unwitting network of eyes allowing her to monitor the area in order to remain undisturbed. The method she accomplishes this is by the use of her familiar which she has opened a stronger link between it and herself. Lynn sends the familiar Morgan to fly about the area and 'tag' various creatures to be linked into the possession network and filter the vision back to herself. While it is impossible for her to control any of the tagged creatures in any way with this method of possession, it forms a useful network of detection. Onto her use of toxins, Lynnette has studied the poisonous plants and animals of the swamps for many years, using this knowledge to create both a variety deadly potions, airborn based spells, or spells fired like a focused dart. Whether it be a spell designed to paralyze, choke, inflict pain or even cause hallucinations she has developed both a liquid form which she can brew with the aid of her witch-craft, a mist form which she can use with only a powder as a reagent, and a dart form which can be conjured from nothing. The liquid form of her toxins are the most potent form and must be brewed ahead of time, taking anywhere from a day to a week to produce a batch. Once brewed however the magical aspect of the poisons is already active allowing them to be used by others or placed in something like a drink to be used stealth-fully. These potions are stored in metal vials to prevent breaking and are held in a thickly padded pouch on her belt when traveling as an extra precaution. Finally, being a rather meticulous and cautious person, Lynnette has developed a spell to quickly and violently expel the toxin from the body, though due to the magical aspect the toxins will still have some effect, even if not deadly. The powder form works by simply dispersing it into the air which allows her to manipulate the air into a thick toxic mist which she can then move and control for several moments, and this can be done several times with one use of powder and she is able to manipulate the density or spread of the toxin However it should be noted that the airborn forms of her toxins are less potent than the liquid forms and most will not outright kill unless an enemy foolishly stands directly in the poison mist. Something like air magic could also disperse the toxic mist in the air making her unable to form the toxin for as long. The powder used for her mist based spells can be formed quickly via her witch-craft but must be stored in small packets which she can toss out and burst with her magic. The powder could theoretically be formed mid-combat but this is something Lynn would not often bother trying as chances are the powder would be blown away before enough was made anyway. She has been studying a way to skip the powder form in her conjuring process but has been unable to find a method thus far. The third form of her toxins is a solid dart form which she can conjure from thin air in mid combat. This was the first spell Lynne developed for herself and thus is the one she can execute the quickest. The dart has the same potency of a dense cloud of her powder toxin but must pierce the targets flesh to inject, so while these can be formed and fired quickly they have their limitations as they become ineffective in low visibility or against armored targets. [u]Chaos Magic(Eternity Force):[/u] Alongside her celestial witch-craft which has a rather specialized use for her, Lynnette has pursued the use of Chaos as a means of having a more flexible way of defending herself in dangerous situations. The artifact which serves as the catalyst for her Chaos magic is the crystal embedded within her staff, which shows a purple glow from within when it is being used. The use Lynn has most planned for her chaos magic is 'crowd control', using it as a means to snare approaching enemies or knock them back should they get too close. Essentially, her preferred use for this is an entirely defensive roll. While she is capable of firing blasts of chaos energy she prefers using her witch-craft for offense. A final note for Lynn's witch-craft is that while she does not use curses or hexes herself she has read up on them a bit and is decently familiar in their workings. [b]CHARACTER BALANCING[/b] – Aside from the drawbacks mentioned in the previous section, Lynnette is mostly a pure mage type character. She excels in ranged combat but is poor in melee, being able to do little more than block with a staff or attempt to repel a target with her chaos magic. Furthermore while she is a practiced witch and magic user her combat experience could be a bit lacking, only coming from the beasts of the swamps and the occasional stupid and lost bandit who had more than likely already been attacked by the native wild life. Taking all this into consideration it is natural that she would not be able to take many strikes herself. [b]PERSONALITY[/b] – Lynnette is someone who could seem outwardly friendly and helpful to others should they not behave aggressively towards her yet still give a slightly unsettling feeling to more inquisitive individuals. She is the type to appear seemingly from nowhere behind a lost unfortunate traveler and guide them to safe path only to vanish with hardly a word soon as it is finished, or the type to incapacitate a bandit with hardly a movement leaving them baffled and feeling foul for days to come. Lynn tends to find speaking with others to be interesting however when in longer conversations it may become apparent that due to living a rather isolated life style she tends to make her rather inept and entirely insensitive to things which would be considered socially or culturally taboo such as death or loss. Be it a criminal or an innocent neither are tragedy or a cause for celebration to her, it is simply how things are. Furthermore when in a group for some extended period of time it may become apparent that despite seeming friendly and helpful that she would make little effort to become closer to others or even earn trust which naturally may lead her to seeming rather untrustworthy herself. She tends to be very meticulous and detailed in her work with her mind pouring over every possibility and outcome before calling anything finished. Even when something is finished, she is not to type to simply leave it, If there is something she can notice to be improved then she will almost always attempt to do so. Finally, Lynn is not the type to dwell too much on the past, while she will look to it to build ever more experience she is not one who would easily lament something. [b]BACKSTORY[/b] – Lynnette was a girl born to a mother residing in a small home carefully hidden in the depths of the swamps of Dun. As a girl Lynnette was raised without a father and in fact would not even develop the concept of a father until she began to mature herself. Her mother would never speak of her daughter even having a father and would instead tell of witch-craft and magic playing a hand in her birth when the child’s inevitable curiosity about where she came from. In her younger years this was entirely believable to her as she would grow up seeing the spells of her mother, a witch herself in action. As she grew older and more aware of how the world works she naturally began to question these stories yet she would never receive an answer from her mother nor would she come to her own conclusion on whether such a thing was possible or not. This was the sort of life Lynn grew up with, a secluded life surrounded by magic with only occasional run ins with people she would come to consider outsiders. As such she developed a fascination with the supernatural and would indeed begin learning witch-craft from the youngest age she could. Each and every day was filled with study and thought, accompanying her mother into the swamp to learn about the wild life or lost within shelves filled with hand written texts, most etched with notes and symbols she would come to learn and memorize the meanings of over the years. As the years went on and she became more self sufficient her mother would begin to travel to near by lands in search of texts and materials not available from the swamps of their home. Returning from one of these trips around the time Lynn would be about 16, rather than returning with books and materials she would return with the egg of a white owl and a chaos artifact cystal. In time these gifts would become Lynn's first familiar which she would carefully raise into a valued companion and the device through which she would begin learning chaos magic. The girls life would continue this way for many years, a quiet scholarly life developing and documenting spells for herself just as her mother had before her, adding her own text to the rows of book shelves lining the walls of their home while her mother continued frequent travels, returning every few weeks or months before setting off again some time later. It would be a relatively peaceful life with the occasional lost traveler to seek out and lead out of the swamps to break up the average day to day life. Yes, for the most part the witches life would be lead in a quite unassuming fashion. That is, until the past couple of years of her life. Naturally her mother had once again set off to travel once again as was common for her over the years, however this time days, months, years would pass without any return or word. This would give way to some unease within Lynnette, her mother, the only person she held any loyalties to in the world had gone missing. It is around this time that she began to hear whisperings of the activities of The Order through travelers passing through the area. As she learned of these things her suspicions began to be aroused. It was a possibility that her mother, a powerful though aging woman could have very well perished or became incapacitated in some remote area but the timing would feel too coincidental. Be it due to concern or a desire for answers Lynn had begun to appear before more than simply lost travelers, she would seek out any travelers passing through the swamps for information, likely spawning a variety of rumors from the more suspicious people due to her appearance which may very well appear somewhat unsettling emerging from just beyond a path in the dark of night [b]ORIGIN[/b] – Lynnette was born and raised in the swamps around Dun and has spent her entire life in the area. With the disappearance of her mother she has learned of The Order and their activities which has raised her suspicions. While she has been content living the life of a hermit over these years, this has spurred her into motion in order to seek answers. The activities of The Order in general are likely not something she is too concerned with however she recognizes said activities could have in one way or another lead to her mother not being able to return. This combined with a lack of other suitable leads makes pursuing them a suitable starting point. [b]OTHER[/b] – Weird slightly creepy swamp lady go![/hider]