[h3][url=https://youtu.be/r2lmkaON_E0]Sato Hashimoto // Abandoned Warehouse[/url][/h3][b]JULY 22TH 2015, WEDNESDAY Mid-day[/b] After the stress of exams disappeared, Sato realized his life had devolved into two things: sleeping and worrying. He hadn't really realized just how tired he had been from everything. The Mirror World and the cult, Mako and the others, school. It was nice to just relax for a while, even if thoughts of the Mirror World pervaded his every-day thoughts. Yet, he hadn't talked to Rokurou or Mako since exam week, and he felt a little bit of guilt over it... Had they thought about him since the last time they'd met? Well, they hadn't texted yet or anything, so maybe they were recharging the same way Sato was or something. Well, nobody outside of the Investigation Team was relaxing quite like Sato, who was waiting around in abandoned warehouse for the other members to arrive. He was out in town already, about to do some shopping for dinner, and he had made a B-line for the warehouse as soon as he got the text. He had shirked both responsibility and the unpaid items in the grocery aisle of the superstore, but hopefully they'd understand. After all, the Mirror World excursions usually were live or death. Even if jeans and a white t-shirt didn't exactly scream serious. Soon enough, though, everyone who was gonna come arrived and the group huddled up in the center of the room. Sato stayed leaning against the wall, though, as he was an edgy prick. After briefly discussing the fact that that a new area had appeared in the Mirror World and how nobody knew how to get into it, the weird bird they were harboring suddenly freaked out and flown directly into the mirror. It was a surreal experience. They walked through the glass all the time, but to see a hawk do it... Sato had gotten so used to just entering the Mirror World like that, that it made his mind wandered a bit. They'd proven they could use [i]any[/i] mirror to enter, and that it was dangerous to not use one that lead to somewhere relatively safe, but what would happen if he just jumped through the mirror in his bathroom? Where would it lead, and could he get out easily? Questions, questions. Regardless, the group quickly realized they had no other lead than to follow the mysterious persona bird, so everyone entered the Mirror World as well without delay. The group followed Zeke (who had named it, again?) down the corrupted Warakuma roads until cutting a corner revealed to be what looked like a sickly green sea, and, apart from the sand they now stood upon, only an ominous torii that Zeke now perched upon. The only thing they knew about it was that it was named Seto and that, as revealed by Megumi, someone was in there... Under the water? Sato shook his head, it obviously wasn't water. Whatever was under the surface, though, wasn't going to be too different from what they've known thus far. Another person, another dungeon... Was he really that used to the Mirror World now? How many times have they saved someone's life with some big bombastic battle? Something in his head reminded him that whatever was going on wasn't quite normal, and the realization instilled that old feeling of anxiety in him. He hadn't quite felt the same queasiness since he first went into the Mirror World after getting his Persona, but hopefully it was unfounded worry. Kami cut through the mumbling of the group through with the order to group up and prepare for the upcoming dungeon, a notion Sato found comforting. There was nothing to gain from conjecture outside of Seto, so Sato wasted no time in making sure he had all his equipment and confirming with Rui who was going with who. "I'm ready to go whenever everyone else is," Sato said once finished with preparations, trying his hardest to project an aura of confidence. Or was his forced stalwart gaze just weirding everyone out...?