[@Silver Fox] Oh I must have missed that when I was reading through, I'll have Aegon make note of it in a quick edit. [@PrivateVentures] Well he should go to cover. [@Rithy] He doesn't have the mental whammy to go with the energy blades though. [@SgtEasy] That would be cool, yeah I imagine the Mexta as basically being the Turian equivalent of a longsword, and upper class Turians still practice Mexta swordsmanship similar to Medieval knights. Would Ja'Far be using a smallsword, fencing style? I imagine Ja'Far would have to focus on speed and agility in such a match-up. Yeah it could be fun, we could have the two of them duel it out as a stress-relief exercise as they like to do on Turian ships. I have a hard time picturing the gruff cigar-chomping Ja'Far as a fencer though xD