Sarah cursed under her breath as more of these strange MS kept coming, forcing her to go from fighting in Normal Mode, and finishing each with a few well placed strikes, throws, or use of an improvised weapon, to using Super Mode, and punching a hole in the shield and generally finishing each on off in one or two hits. But she was no pro fighter, she lacked the training to even be considered that, and they just kept coming no matter how many she took out. This was a fight she could not win, or so it seemed. Then [i]He[/i] showed up, in all his glory. Domon, in the Burning Gundam arrived, and wiped out a small group of the enemy MS with a single kick, announcing his presence and starting to go to work on these weird, but relentless Mobile Suits, Doing with Burning Gundams Normal Mode what she could barely do with Shining's Super Mode. Seeing The King of Hearts in action, and in person was awe inspiring, and gave Sarah a second wind to make, what she hoped would be a final push to eliminate them. After a minute or two of Sarah and Domon tearing through the enemy, they started acting strangely, the large, square camera that made up almost all of the head started blinking on a few at first, then more, until all of them where blinking, stopping their attack once they 'had surrounded' the two of them, forcing them back to back. The situation took all of Sarah will to keep from 'fangirling out' at the fact she was fighting side by side with Domon (Fucking) Kasshu (Son). A few started to glow, and Walk toward them, closing the circle. Domon made ready to renew his attack, but Sarah's 'gut' told her otherwise. What ever was going on with them, she couldn't let Domon get caught in it. So as the enemy MS started to glow a bit brighter, centering on the chest, she Grabbed Burning Gundam, and threw it out of the immediate circle, The Gundam barely clearing the first few before the group of the MS burst with a strange green light, the initial force of which pushed Domon further away. Domon could only watch as the light took the shape of a dome, then vanished completely, only leaving behind the fried remains of the Strange Mobiles that cause the light, and the wreckage of the ones he and Sarah had totaled. Sarah awoke to a dark cockpit, apparently what ever happened had knocked her out. But as she came around, so to did the Gundam. A quick system check showed everything was still in the green, what ever damage there was from the fight had been minimal. She thought it odd she was still in the Gundam though, surely if the Gundam was in this good of shape Domon would have ... Her train of though was cut off, and subsequently destroyed down to the last atom when the visuals of 'outside' where displayed. [i]'Space? How in the holy fucking hell did I get into Outer Fucking Space?!?!'[/i] She thought, in shock at her new surroundings. It was also about then the Gundams sensors picked up a distress signal, or least she thought it was a distress signal, it wasn't on the normal channel for that, but seeing as she lacked any other options, and she needed to find some one sooner rather then later, she started to fly, some what awkwardly towards the signal in question.